ACANTHOCALYCIUM catamarcense NICE BLUE SILVER BODY KP 233 Tio Punco alt. 1810 m, p. Tucuman, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Ancistrocactus megarhizus f. KMR37 Ejido La Alberca,Tamaulipas 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Ancistrocactus scheerii X tobuschii intermediade news,extra long papery spines,small white-yellow flower alike A. tobuschii/MK 153. 448 Jose Maria Morelos-borderCoahuila/Texas 10s/136
Out of stock
136.00 REC
Ariocarpus retusus 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Ariocarpus fissuratus v.hintonii VM 284 El Herero SLP 10s/38
In stock
38.00 REC
Ariocarpus trig.v. elongatus f. minimus VM 226 Jaumave severně Tam. small plants 10s/28
In stock
28.00 REC
Ariocarpus agavoides type form,/material of C. Zanovello/Z 102 A Tula I. ,Tamaulipas 10s/91
Out of stock
91.00 REC
Astrophytum capricorne (krasne a nenarocne) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias KUROI SAKU RPV-16-2011 Astroph. Nursery,Brno,Czech Republic 20s/60
Out of stock
60.00 REC
Astrophytum "CZECH CULTIVARE " CRASISSPINOIDES TDGC 7/2000 Jasenna garden original cultivated 20s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
ASTROPHYTUM senile aureum Sierra Alamitos Coa. VM529 10s/36
Out of stock
36.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias HANAMI RPV-18-2011 Astroph. Nursery,Brno,Czech Republic 20s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias KINOTO INCISIVE RIBS OOIBO RPV-32-2011 Saisen-en Nursery,Japan 20s/70
Out of stock
70.00 REC
Astrophytum "CZECH CULTIVARE"OTAKAR SADOVSKY ORIGIN/DARK GREEN COMPACT BODY / PKGC 1/1988 original Brno City collections 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Astrophytum "CZECH CULTIVARE "OR-GLABRESCENS very compact plants /TDGC 11/1986 Jasenna garden original cultivated; 20s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias CHA 163 Gonzales,Tamaulipas 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Astrophytum myriostigma v. strongylogonum form/very compact,flat taxon/MK 95. 349 Las Tablas,SLP 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Astrophytum myriostigma v. strongylogonum form,very compact,flat taxon RS 8/97 Ciudad Maiz km 96,SLP 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Astrophytum capricorne v. mayor form/rugged stem,distinct flakes/RS 104/97 Huasteca Canyon,Coahuila 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Astrophytum capricorne ssp. niveum f. crasisspinum/news/more only yellow flower MZ 511 San Juan,Coahuila 10s/106
Out of stock
106.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias NUDALS PLANTS VERY ROBUST RPV-26-2011 Chinese Produce 20s/60
Out of stock
60.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias RED COLOUR TOP SHIOWA RPV-24-2011 Saisen-en Nursery,Japan 20s/90
Out of stock
90.00 REC
Astrophytum ornatum var. virens 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Astrophytum senile (papirovite huste trny, krasne!) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Astrophytum ornatum subvar. glabrescens 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Astrophytum niveum v. nudum PP397 20s/19
In stock
19.00 REC
Astrophytum crassispinoides 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Astrophytum crassispinoides 30s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Astrophytum niveum PP398 20s/16
Out of stock
16.00 REC
Astrophytum capricorne v. minor form dark black spines SB323 Saltillo,Coahuila 100s/38
Out of stock
38.00 REC
Astrophytum asterias typform small smooth green stem,shiny flower CHA163 Gonzales,Tamaulipas 100s/92
Out of stock
92.00 REC
Astrophytum Mysterious Lorena TDGC 3/2004 Jasenna garden original cultivated 10s/52
Out of stock
52.00 REC
ASTROPHYTUM capricorne subsp. senile AUREUM LONG CURVED SPINES NICE FORM / VZD 583 Entry to Sierra de la Paila,Coahuila,Mexico 20s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Astrophytum capricorne ssp. senile v. aureum NEW 2005 year/new botanical material,yellow-light brownish spines/VCA082 Sierra de la Paila,Coahuila 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Aylostera spegazziniana puv. imp. SPI 30s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera flavistyla FR756 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Aylostera pilosa KK858 forma 1. (imp. Kohres) 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera pilosa KK858 (puv. Brack USA) 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera pseudodeminuta v. christinae WR492a 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera pseudodeminuta typ. 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera poecilantha FR1139 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera pilosa KK858 forma 2. (imp. Kohres) 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sanquinea FR760 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Aylostera robustispina WR88 typ 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sp. Las Cajas puv. imp. Kohres 30s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sp. KK848 fiebrigii(?) puv. Hlinecky 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sp. Comarapa (puv. Kohres) 30s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sanquinea FR760 (puv. imp. SPI) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera sp. SE141 Abra de Sama 30s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Aylostera maxima(puv. fiebrigii v. Tambo)silne otrnena!!!! 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Blossfeldia liliputana R471 30s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Blossfeldia pedicellata FR749 30s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Blossfeldia liliputana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Blossfeldia tominensis KK1525 30s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Brasiliparodia alacriportana v. cambarensis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
CEREUS forbesii form KFF 1180 Lujan / before, RUTA 146 San Luis Capital to Cordoba, in left side hills / alt. 614 m, p. San Luis, Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Cleistocactus tupizensis 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Cleistocactus smaragdiflorus form/red till green flower,caespitosae stem/BKN68A SE Sierra de Ancasti-NW of Icano II.484m,p.Cat.,Arg. 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Cleistocactus baumannii form/black spines, red flowers/WS202 A Serrezuella/behind/alt.260m,p.Cord.,Arg. 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Cleistocactus hyalacanthus form/nice large very robust flower/BKN 122 Tumbaya , p. Jujuy,Argentina/100s/30 Kc
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Cleistocactus tupizaensis form/yellow spines, very decorative/LH 654 Tupiza direction to Impora,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Cleistocactus baumannii form/black spines, red flowers/coll.J.Odehnal Gran Chaco City,Arg. 20s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Comulopuntia miquelii WHITE - GOLDEN - BROWN EXTRA LONG STRONG SPINED F. KP 891 Ruta 5 Norte / Vallenar City - La Serena City / turning in left off road into mts. - left top hill up old hacienda 612 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/85
Out of stock
85.00 REC
Copiapoa tenuissima 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. andina var. blumentritii NOMEN PROVISORIUM NEW VARIETY /BCHK 1415 Rio Huasco II./Cerro Infiernillo/alt. 615 m till cca 700 m Region de Atacama Chile 20s/70
Out of stock
70.00 REC
COPIAPOA haseltoniana ROBUST COMPACT STEM NICE MOSTLY YELLOW BROWNISH SPINED MULTI RIBS FORM /BCHK 1347 Punta Posallaves/Quebrada Las Canas in coastal rock hills/alt. 30 m Region de Antofagasta Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. pseudocoquimbana till echinoides NATURE SPECIAL INTERMEDIATE (variable long heavy spined botanical interesting plants) BCHK 1337 Ruta 5 Norte turning to Punta Choros Bajos I. place alt. 163 m, Region de Coquimbo, Chile, 20s/73
In stock
73.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. pseudocoquimbana till echinoides NATURE SPECIAL INTERMEDIATE (variable long heavy spined botanical interesting plants) BCHK 1337 Ruta 5 Norte turning to Punta Choros Bajos I. place alt. 163 m, Region de Coquimbo, Chile, 60s/73
Out of stock
73.00 REC
COPIAPOA haseltoniana ROBUST COMPACT STEM NICE MOSTLY YELLOW BROWNISH SPINED MULTI RIBS FORM /BCHK 1347 Punta Posallaves/Quebrada Las Canas in coastal rock hills/alt. 30 m Region de Antofagasta Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Copiapoa columna-alba ONLY YELLOW F. ABS GREATFUL TAXON WITH NICE SILVER BODY KP 823 El Soldado right hill top left plain 66 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/130
Out of stock
130.00 REC
Copiapoa alticostata VERY ROBUST F. FROM YELLOW FLOWER KP 798 Freirina - Huasco Bajo left hill near Highway 195 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/85
Out of stock
85.00 REC
Copiapoa cinerea X longistaminea ENORMIS INTERMEDIATE TAXON WITH VERY LONG NICE COMPACT STEM KP 872 Taltal - Cifuncho / before Ruta 5 Norte / right long plain across to two little palms 399 m, West Region de Antofagasta, Chile 10s/130
Out of stock
130.00 REC
Copiapoa calderana = goldii ABS GREAT EXTRA HARD RED-GOLD-BLACK CENTRAL SPINES KP 878 Balneario Obispito I. left side in white hight rockies 63 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/100
Out of stock
100.00 REC
Copiapoa cinerea v. albispina ONLY , WHITE - YELLOW TILL BLACK BEAUTIFUL LONG STRONGLY CENTRAL SPINES KP 845 N of Taltal - Paposo I. rockies below Highway 12 m, West Region de Antofagasta, Chile 10s/130
Out of stock
130.00 REC
Copiapoa fiedleriana MOSTLY X vallenarensis INTERMEDIATE , CAESPITOSAE STEM , LONG EXTRA CURVED BLACK-DARK-RED SPINES KP 883 Huasco Bajo / before 10 km / left long plain into mountains 99 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/100
Out of stock
100.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana (Karw. ex Rümpler ) Britton & Rose var. wagenknechtii F.Ritter Taxon 12: 30. 1963/BCHK 1438 El Tambo/alt. cca 578 m Region de Coquimbo Chile 20s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Out of stock
40.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. pseudocoquimbana TYPICAL LONG CURVED GOLD BROWNISH MOSTLY BLACK SPINED CLUSTERING PINK RARELY RED FLOWERING SMALLER COMPACT FORM / KBC 947-2012 Planta Minera direct to El Trapische alt. 331 m,dpt. Coquimbo,Chile, 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Copiapoa sp. Antofagosta 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Copiapoa montana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Copiapoa pendulina 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Copiapoa montana 20s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Copiapoa tenuissima 20s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Copiapoa humilis 24s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. pseudocoquimbana NATURE SPECIAL LONG TALLER STEM OTHER TYPE INTERMEDIATE FORM /BCHK 1339 Punta Choros Bajos to Ruta 5/right side in hight rock hills nearly querry/alt. 242 m Region de Coquimbo Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
COPIAPOA haseltoniana ROBUST COMPACT STEM NICE MOSTLY YELLOW BROWNISH SPINED MULTI RIBS FORM /BCHK 1347 Punta Posallaves/Quebrada Las Canas in coastal rock hills/alt. 30 m Region de Antofagasta Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana var. wagenknechtii HARD HEAVY CURVED THICKLY MOSTLY BLACK SPINED PLANTS KBC 952 A Villa Puclaro alt. 528 m, dpt. Coquimbo, Chile 20s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana subsp. pseudocoquimbana TYPICAL LONG CURVED GOLD BROWNISH MOSTLY BLACK SPINED MULTI CLUSTERING YELLOW PINK TILL REDDISH FLOWERING FORM / KBC 950-2012 Choros Bajos II. / up riverbed in hill/ alt. 144 m,dpt. Coquimbo,Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
COPIAPOA coquimbana ubsp. pseudocoquimbana TYPICAL LONG CURVED GOLD BROWNISH MOSTLY BLACK SPINED MULTI CLUSTERING YELLOW PINK TILL REDDISH FLOWERING FORM/ KBC 949-2012 Choros Bajos I. / place up houses/ alt. 147 m,dpt. Coquimbo,Chile 20s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Copiapoa alticostata X vallenarensis MOSTLY , INTERMEDIATE TAXON , VERY BEAUTIFUL F. WITH EXTRA BROWNISH CURVED SPINES KP 887 Freirina - Vallenar City / before 11 km / set right hills near Highway 176 m, West Region de Atacama, Chile 10s/85
Out of stock
85.00 REC
Coryphantha dealetii La Paloma Coahuila TK415 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha gladiispina SB711 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha echinus SB377 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha jaumavensis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha hesterii SB430 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha hesterii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha gladispina 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha mitchigensis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha maritablasensis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha bisbeana (AZ) 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha calipensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha cornifera Vizarron Queretaro TK450 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha gůrkiana Estacion Guadalupe Durango TK438 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha nickelsiae La Joja Coahuila TK413 16s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha sp. Mapimi Mapimi Durango TK433 16s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha radians záp. od Yoliate hranice Zac a SLP TK445 16s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha cornuta 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha cornifera 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha connivens 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha onduli 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha pectinata 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha palmeri 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha retusa El Papayo, PUE, Mex. 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha sulcolanata v. centrispina 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha sulcolanata 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha vivipara v. kamsas 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha vivipara v. kaibabensis 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Coryphantha vilarensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Coryphantha unicornis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha vivipara v. neomex SB169 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Coryphantha salmdickiana 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha schwartzii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha pallida 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha radians 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha pseudoechinus 10s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Coryphantha potosima 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Coryphantha pectinifera 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Coryphantha reduncispina 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Coryphantha ramillosa SB908 15s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Coryphantha ramillosa SB299 15s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Coryphantha vivipara v. radiosa SB401 20s/18
In stock
18.00 REC
Cumarinia odorata form/Horst Kuenzler,black hooked spines/HK 296 Aguascalientes City,Aguascalientes 20s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Denmoza rhodacantha PV1979 S Uspallata 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Denmoza rhodacantha 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Denmoza diamantina TK203 zlaty trn 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Denmoza erythrocephala-rhodacantha/nice compact natural intermedia-te taxon/KP356 San Rafael km 30/monument/1215m,p.Mendoza,Arg. 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Denmoza rhodacantha form/red spines,long erect red flower/KP63 NE of Es-tancion Uspallata/petrol pump/1381m,mendoza 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
DENMOZA rhodacantha (red spiny) KP 365 Ejido 25 de Mayo II. place alt. 1182 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Discocactus magnimammus f. HU 324 near Caracol 280 m,p. Mato Grosso do Sul,Brazil 10s/17Kc
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Discocactus horstii type form/News november 2006,old autentic material coll. L. Horst in 1971 year/HU 360 Serra de Barro-Grao Mogol 1000 m,p. Minas Gerais,Brazil 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus West of Matehuala, SLP,Mex. 10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus horizonthalonius El Pilar Coahuila TK422 5s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Echinocactus horizonthalonius El Peyote San Luis Potosi TK390 3s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Echinocactus horizonthalonius Am pare Coahuila TK426 5s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Echinocactus grusonii 60s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Echinocactus horizonthalonius VM 896 Guzman Coa. 10s/68
In stock
68.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus form/robust stem,blue silver epidermis/coll.J.Odehnal Avista,SLP 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus form/nice blue stem,round barrel/KMR119 Ejido Sanmarcos,Hidalgo 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOCACTUS horizonthalonius Lemaire var. equitans TYPICAL VERY HARD SPINED SILVER BODY NICE FORM /BKLM 968 North West of Carbonera de Guadalupe II. in alt. 2185 m,Guanajuato,Mexico 20s/60
Out of stock
60.00 REC
ECHINOCACTUS horizonthalonius f. centrispinus TYPICAL MARKEDLY STRONGLY HEAVY UPRIGHT CENTRAL SPINES NICE FORM /BKLM 1086 La Boca del Refugio alt. 2021 m,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 20s/60
Out of stock
60.00 REC
ECHINOCACTUS horizonthalonius f. obscurispinus DARK STRONG HEAVY MOSTLY BLACK OBSCURI SPINED NICE FORM /BKLM 1071 North West of Hacienda El Mezquite alt. 1547 m,Coahuila,Mexico 20s/60
Out of stock
60.00 REC
ECHINOCACTUS "polycephalus Engelm. & J.M.Bigelow subsp. xeranthemoides NICE VERY HARD HEAVY CURVED SPINED NEW NORTH MEXICAN SPECIAL FORM BKLM 1009 Road SONORA MX 2,East of Los Vidrios alt. 237 m,Sonora,Mexico 20s/70
Out of stock
70.00 REC
Echinocactus grusonii f. albispinus 10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus grusonii (krasne zlate otrnene koule!)20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Trinidad, NL, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Tanque Nuevo, SLP, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Tula, Tam.,Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Vista Hermosa, QRO, Mex. 10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Nunez, SLP, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Pozas de Santa Ana, SLP, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Las Tablas, SLP, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus plaacanthus La Boca del Refugio, NL, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus La Laborcilla, ZAC, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus La Soledad, NL, Mex. 10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Between Galeana-Rayones, NL, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus platyacanthus Entr.San Roberto, NL, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Echinocactus horizontalonius GLADIATE FLAT SPINED FORM/New,beautifull flat spined form/MMR72 El Peyte,SLP 10s/151
Out of stock
151.00 REC
Echinocereus laui L 1061 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus castaneus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus cineraslens 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus corelii SB743 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus cucumis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus dasyacanthus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus dasyacanthus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus davisii 10s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Echinocereus ehrenbergii 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus enneacanthus f. KJN120 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus bristolii Lau 607 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus fitschii Petrifield Forest 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus fitchii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus chloranthus SB566 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Echinocereus chloranthus Lake Valley 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus chloranthus SB 131 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus chloranthus SB130 10s/6Kc
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus hempelii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus chloranthus f. Alpine Tex. 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus fobeanus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus glssy 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus fendleri Luna Co, NM 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus fendleri SB134 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus baileyi 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus baileyi SB211 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus baylei DJF1327 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus morricalii 32s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Echinocereus palmerii SB184 30s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus stramineus form/huge shiny pink 10 cm central spines/KMR248 El Siete de Enero-La Constanca top hill roadmts.,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOCEREUS nicholii VERY NICE LONG SPINED TYPICAL FORM CH 1328 Organ Pipe National Monument alt. 735 m, Ajo County, Arizona, USA 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOCEREUS enneacanthus Engelm. subsp. brevispinus NICE LONG BRIGHT SPINED FORM/ BKLM 1040 North East of Flechas to General Simon Bolivar II. in alt. 1765 m,Durango,Mexico 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOCEREUS engelmannii var. armatus VERY NICE MOSTLY GOLD TILL COLOURED SPINED FORM CH 1323 National Park Joshua Tree alt. 1362 m, San Bernardino County, California, USA 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Echinocereus engelmannii v.acicularis form/very spiny taxon/coll.J.Odehnal South Clarkmountains,California 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinocereus sp. nova long white spoked spines El Hundido,Coahuila 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinocereus engelmannii f. wildly spiny Odehnal W of Helendale,California 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinocereus engelmannii v. chrysocentrus f. new different,gold-white spines/VCA010 Littlefield,Mohave County,Arizona,USA 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Echinocereus rigidissimus rubispinus L88 cv. Karl Werner Beisel bílý květ !!! white flower !!! 12s/22
In stock
22.00 REC
Echinocereus viperianus form/Peniocereus,very rare taxon,large best flower,origin collectmilan Zachar/MZ 050 Zapotitlan de Salinas,Puebla 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Echinocereus baylei v. purpureus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus amoneus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus armatus PP22 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus adustus SB72 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus adustus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus acifer BW235 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Echinocereus enneacanthus SB676 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus pulchellus ssp. sharpii SB 1569 La Ascension,Nuevo Leon 10s/22
Out of stock
22.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus JABO343 El Palmito, Dur. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus JABO340 Ceballos, Dgo. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus engelmannii v. chrysocentrus f. new super long gold spines/VCA009 Littlefield,Mohave County,Arizona,USA 10s/10Kc(0,37EURO) A070011 Echc. engelmannii v. chrysocentrus f. VZD 313 Amargosa Range,Inyo Co. ,California 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinocereus lloydii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus websterianus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus stramineus JABO334 Villa Real, Coah. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus stramineus VM445 Villa Real Coah. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus stoloniferus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus sp. Glass Mts. Oklahoma 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus sp. Petrfield Forest 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus schwarzii L 1305 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus scheerii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus rigidissimus v. rubrispinus 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Echinocereus rigidissimus v. rubrispinus Lau088 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Echinocereus roetteri 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus subinermis f. luteus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus subinermis 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus v. koehresianus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus v. montanus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus SB137 25s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus v. davisii 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus El Paso Co. , Colo. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus viridiflorus Buena Vista, Colo. 12s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus tamaulipensis MH124 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Echinocereus subinermis v. luteus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus subterraneus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus rubrispinus Lau 088 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus reichenbachii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus reichenbachii v. minor 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus v. castaneus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus SB553 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus v. sonorensis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus pamanesiorum L1247 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus oklahomensis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus ortacanthus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus ochoterenae L771 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus melanocentrus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus montemorelos 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus neomexicanus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus v. visnigerii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus pectinatus VM450 Ceballos Dgo. 10s/12
Out of stock
12.00 REC
Echinocereus rigidissimus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus purpureus 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus ranosius RS772 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinocereus rectispinus HK1514 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus primolanatus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus polyacanthus SB15 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus polyacanthus v. densus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinocereus perbellus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus pentalophus RS713 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinocereus pentalophus var. procumbens 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Echinocereus lindsayi 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus confusus 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus guereanus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus grandicornis 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus hoockerii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus heteracanthus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus hastifer 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus hastatus v. flavispinus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus hastatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus longispinus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus kellerianus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus guerraianus Kohres 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus guerraianus Kraus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus dichroacanthus 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus caespitosus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus arrigens 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus anfractuosus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus cylindricus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus crispatus SB958 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus crispatus SB437 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus crispatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus gladiatus 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus flexispinus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus intertextus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus hookerii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. 4139 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus rosasianus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus tricuspidatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. TK329 Tula Mex. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. SV od Quaretero QRO 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. Streit 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. Schmoll 66 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus zacatecasensis 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus xiptacanthus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. Copper 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. DC67 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus sp. San Alegro 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus obvalatus Tepenex 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus obvalatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus multicostatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus luteacanthus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus phyllacanthus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus pentacanthus 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus ochoterenaus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus ochotereanus f. roseanus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus obvalatus Tepenex Co Mitla 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Echinofossulocactus violaciflorus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinomastus mapimiensis 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Echinomastus durangensis SB162 10s/15
In stock
16.00 REC
Echinomastus durangensis v. mapimiensis 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOMASTUS unguispinus v. laui NEW HARD MOSTLY DARK SPINED NICE FORM BKM 940 South West of El Grullo / behind small village /, SLP 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
ECHINOMASTUS unguispinus MINIMUS MOSTLY BLACK SPINES NICE SPECIAL NEW SMALLER FORM BKM 901 Lagunilla / 3 KM behind village / alt. 1699 m, Zacatecas 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
ECHINOMASTUS unguispinus GOLD SPINES NICE NEW FORM BKM 863 Buena Vista alt. 1354 m, Durango 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha X L. longispina intermediade/news,extremely till 25-30 cm long curved spines/BKN 26A/1. 2 SW of Boca de la Quebrada/mountains 1200 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha form/15 cm curved hard spines,many ribs form/BKN24B/1.1 N of Las Lomitas I.707m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha form/black twisted central spines/KP62 NE of Estancion Uspallata/petrol pump/1381m,mendoza 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha form/till 25 cm black twisted spines/BKN22B SW of Ullun 842m, p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha till longispina INTERMEDIATE FORM/news ,extremely till 25-30 cm long curved spines/BKN26A/1.1 SW of Boca de la Quebrada/plains 1126m, p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha till longispina INTERMEDIATE FORM/news ,extremely till 25-30 cm long curved spines/BKN26A/1.2 SW of Boca de la Quebrada/mountains 1200m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS pugionacantha(Rose & Boed.)Backeb. var. versicolor NICE LONG SPINED FORM TB 568 . 1 Quis alt. 3585 m, dpt. Chuquisaca, Bolivia 20s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Echinopsis mamillosa form/kermesina/big long flower R 302 Camargo-Culpina,dpt.Chuquisaca,Bolivia 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Echinopsis area f. caespitosa robust stem,long central black spines BKN 37C S of Yocÿn,615 m,Catamarca 10s/17
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Echinopsis aurea ALBIFLORA FORM/NEWS,only white flower PEM24 Ciudad Recreo 235m,p. Cord. ,Arg. 10s/42
Out of stock
42.00 REC
Echinopsis oxygona 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis rojasii v. albiflora KK966 puv. imp. KK Rojasii de Lagumillas 50s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinopsis aurea 30s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis ancistrophora 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis aurea 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis calorubra 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis caliantholilacina 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis cardenasiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis ferox-longispina form/very long wringed spines/coll.J.Odehnal Cuchu Ingenio,Bolivia 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS leucantha ESTANCIA LA ALFARA CATAMARCA AREA NICE SPINED ROBUST FORM KFF 1256 Estancia La Alfara / RUTA 40 Belen to Santa Maria, behind Quebrada de Belen / alt. 1445 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha form/15 cm curved hard spines,special many ribs form/BKN 24B/1. 2 N of Las Lomitas II. 748 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha X L. longispina intermediade/news,extremely till 25-30 cm long curved spines/BKN 26A/1. 1 SW of Boca de la Quebrada/plains 1126 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinopsis pentlandii f. till 30 cm long central spines Odehnal Sica Sica,dpt. La Paz,Bolivia 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Echinopsis ferox f. VS 313 3 km W of Mal Paso direct Culpina 3000 m,dpt. Chuquisaca,Bolivia10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Echinopsis grandiflora v. crassicaulis f. red flower R151 A Andalgala-Hualfin,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/37
Out of stock
37.00 REC
Echinopsis pentlandii f. 25-30 cm spines LH 487 Oruro I. 3150 m,dpt,Oruro,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Echinopsis ferox f. VS 313 3 km W of Mal Paso direct Culpina 3000 m,dpt. Chuquisaca,Bolivia10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Echinopsis aurea form/special extremely spined form/VS 47 Cuipan 1100m,p.La Rioja,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS Cactaceae Lobivia ferox Britton & Rose Cactaceae NICE LONG SPINED FORM PSCA 65 Quebrada del Toro alt. 3540 m, p. Salta, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS Cactaceae Lobivia ferox Britton & Rose Cactaceae NICE LONG SPINED FORM CH 969 near Aparzo alt. 3283 m, p. Jujuy, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS Cactaceae Lobivia ferox Britton & Rose var. longispina NICE VERY LONG SPINED FORM CH 1188 Quebrada de Chalchillaco alt. 2895 m, p. Jujuy, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS Cactaceae Lobivia ferox Britton & Rose var. longispina NICE VERY LONG GOLD SPINED FORM/ CH 983 West of Yavi alt. 3746 m, p. Jujuy, Argentina 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS aurea Britton & Rose subsp. fallax NICE SPINED FORM CH 1238 Los Colorados alt. 626 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS leucantha TRICHOCEREOIDES SAN JUAN AREA NEW SPECIAL ROBUST FORM WITH STRAIGHT FLAT RIBS KFF 1137 Capilla del Nino Dios / left side large riverbed / alt. 1565 m, p. San Juan, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS leucantha LONG TILL CURVED SPINES MENDOZA AREA NICE ROBUST FORM KFF 1115 La Tosca / nearly hause, ca 400 meters right side in small canyon over bush / alt. 1144 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
ECHINOPSIS aurea LONG WHITE TILL BLACK MOSTLY CURVED CENTRAL SPINES FORM KFF 1159 8 km West of Saladillo / RUTA 20 La Petra to Saladillo, in left side in small rocks / alt. 809 m, p. San Luis, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Echinopsis campylacantha 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis carmineoflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis kratochviliana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis lencistropha (?) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha PV1986 San Jose de Jachal 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinopsis leucantha PV1981 San Juan Zonda 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinopsis leucomalla 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis mirabilis (Setiechinopsis) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis melanopotamica 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis multiplex 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis obrepanda 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis obrepanda v. milquensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis obrepanda v. purpurea 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis pelecyrhachis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis polyancistra 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis rhodotricha 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis rojasii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis sp. R463 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis kermesina 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis intricatissima 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis carmineiflora PR176 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis cv. Sirael 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Echinopsis cordobensis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis eyriesii hybrid (bile a ruzove kvety) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis ferox-longispina f. KJN290 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis ferox-longispina f. KJN271 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis fiebrigii v. roseiflora 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis fiebrigii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis frankii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis formosa v. nivalis/R581 KJN255 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Echinopsis franklinii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis graulichii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis hualfinensis WR250 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Echinopsis hamatacantha 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis hybr. Apricot 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Echinopsis chacoana ( ostny dlouhe 100mm !!! ) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Echinopsis hybrid (dobra podlozka na roubovani) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Echinopsis werdermannii (obrovsky cerveny kvet!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris f. JM 119 Guadalupe Mts. ,Eddy Co. ,New Mexico 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha unguispina VM 418 Sierra Mitras 10s/85
In stock
85.00 REC
Epithelantha sp. tmavé trny dark spines VM 132 Sierra la Paila 10s/160
In stock
160.00 REC
Epithelantha polycephala VM 734 Saltillo n Coa. 10s/48
In stock
48.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza parvula VM 665 Hipolito Coa 10s/85
In stock
85.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza pulchra VM 771 Icamole – Milagro 10s/85
In stock
85.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza pulchra VM 648 Mina NL 10s/75
In stock
75.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza elongata VM 401 Higueras, N slopes 100s/240
In stock
240.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza elongata VM 401 Higueras, N slopes 10s/45
In stock
45.00 REC
Epithelantha potosina VM 750 El Nuňez SLP 10s/120
In stock
120.00 REC
Epithelantha cryptica VM 635 Castaňos 10s/78
In stock
78.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris VM 243 Santa Eulalia Coa. 100s/75
In stock
75.00 REC
Epithelantha Ilariae VM 551 Abasolo Coa 10s/250
In stock
250.00 REC
Epithelantha Ilariae VM 654 Mina NL 10s/180
In stock
180.00 REC
Epithelantha Ilariae VM 656 Hidalgo NL10s/180
In stock
180.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 400 Higueras 10s/185
In stock
185.00 REC
Epithelantha unguispina huastecana VM 408 Canyon Huasteca NL 10s/120
In stock
120.00 REC
Epithelantha polycephala 10s/45
In stock
45.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. gregii f. CZ 078 Calemania,Coahuila 10s/49
Out of stock
49.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris f. DJF 214. 41 Lincoln Co. ,New Mexico 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris form,new different locality/VCA114 Las Margaritas,Coahuila 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Epithelantha mexicensis f. BP 1252 Panarotto collection 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris f. Lau 749 Parras de la Fuente 1100 m,Coahuila 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris f. SB 56 Caballo Mts. ,Sierra Co. ,New Mexico 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris f. SB 1327 near of Belen,Nuevo Leon 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Epithelantha unguispina (De) ROBUST SPINES !!! De výrazně otrněná 10s/58
In stock
58.00 REC
Epithelantha unguispina pův. micromeris Rys 10s/58
In stock
58.00 REC
Epithelantha chihuahuensis 10s/120
In stock
120.00 REC
Epithelantha Ilariae Kš Bustamante NL 10s
In stock
160.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza SB 325 Higueras Ramos Arizpe 10s/35
In stock
35.00 REC
Epithelantha bockei SB 416 Brewster County Tx. 10s/98
Out of stock
98.00 REC
Epithelantha bockei Plan de Ayala Coa. 10s/95
In stock
95.00 REC
Epithelantha bockei SN 1089 Terlingua Tx 10s/95
In stock
95.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 131 Sierra Paila 10s/165
In stock
165.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 307E Sierra Paila Pareňos 10s/135
In stock
135.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 792 Sierra Jicote 10s/135
In stock
135.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. neomexicana 10s/25
In stock
25.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. gregii 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. densispina 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v.gregii form/fluffy-wooly crown, clustering/BP 826 Panarotto collection 10s/64
In stock
64.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. rufispina 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA micromeris var. rufispina NICE TYPICAL TALLER FORM /BCCN-1-2011 Coahuila,Mexico 10s/48
In stock
48.00 REC
Epithelantha neomexicana 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrrhiza form/different root/Z 112 Rayones,Nuevo Leon 10s/42
In stock
42.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrrhiza form/different root/Z 112 Rayones,Nuevo Leon 10s/64
In stock
64.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrrhiza form/different root/Z 112 Rayones,Nuevo Leon 10s/42
In stock
42.00 REC
Epithelantha pachyrhiza VM 665 Hipolito 10s/110
In stock
110.00 REC
Epithelantha sp. 737 20s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Epithelantha polycephala 10s/16
Out of stock
16.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA unguispina NICE TYPICAL BLACK SPINED FORM /LAU 1022 Monterrey alt. 1200 m,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 10s/48
In stock
48.00 REC
Epithelantha unguispina 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris v. pachyrhiza 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris HK168 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 184 El Chiflon rezavě bílá 10s/98
Out of stock
98.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 178 Cuatrocienegas bělavě růžová 10s/98
Out of stock
98.00 REC
Epithelantha bokei VM 792 Sierra Jicote 10s/130
In stock
130.00 REC
Epithelantha sp. tmavé trny VM 132 Sierra la Paila 10s/180
In stock
180.00 REC
Epithelantha polycephala VM 734 Saltillo n Coa. 10s/58
In stock
58.00 REC
Epithelantha BOCKEI /KSM 735 23 km West of Ocampo alt.1620m,Coahuila 20s/165
In stock
165.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA unguispina puv. micromeris Rys 10s/42
In stock
42.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA sp. tmavé trny/dark spines Sierra la Paila VM132 10s/176
In stock
176.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA pachyrhiza Higueras, N slopes VM401 10s/64
In stock
64.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA unguispina NICE TYPICAL BLACK SPINED FORM /LAU 1022 Monterrey alt. 1200 m,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 10s/48
In stock
48.00 REC
Epithelantha greggii (z kristatnich rostlin!) 10s/26
In stock
26.00 REC
Epithelantha fungifera 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Epithelantha densispina 10s/28
In stock
28.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris 20s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Epithelantha micromeris (bile miniatury, jemne otrneni, cervene plody ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
EPITHELANTHA species Coahuila H. Bravo Coahuila , Mexico, 10/32
In stock
32.00 REC
Eriocactus warasii (velmi nenarocny, zlatozlute kvety!)20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Eriocactus warasii HU426 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriocactus werdermannii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriocactus claviceps 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriocactus graessnerii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriocactus grossei 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriocactus leninghausii (odolny a nenarocny, velke zlute kvety) 20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Eriocactus magnificus 20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Eriocactus warasii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Eriosyce ceratistes tmavsi PV2057 Vicuna 15s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) sanjuanensis (villicumensis Rausch) PSCA 54 Endemismo de San Juan, en los departmentos Caucete, Albardon y Ullum 600 msnm y montanas calizas de poca altura 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) sanjuanensis (villicumensis Rausch) BKN 25 A Las Lomitas alt. 679 m, p. San Juan, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. HORRIDOCACTUS) taltalensis subsp. paucicostata FORM NICE SPINY KBC 936 Paposo to El Medano Road alt. 10 m, dpt. Antofagasta, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. HORRIDOCACTUS) HORRIDUS V. ROBUSTUS F. VEGASANUS (till 15 cm curved centrals, growing special nearly all year snow area) KFF 1123 Las Vegas I. place alt. 2010 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBG. NEOPORTERIA) curvispina v. armata CURVED LONG HARDLY SPINY BCHK 1330 La Vina to Alicahue I. / nearly microonda in rocks / in alt. 920 m, Region de Valparaiso, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) bulbocalyx (yellow white till brown hardly curved spines, some plants diameter stem till 30 cm) KFF 1250 Villa Mazan alt. 600 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Eriosyce aurata ONLY EXTRA YELLOW - GOLD SPINY F. , ROBUST STEM KP 713 Highway Guardia Vieja - Portillo , directly near river 1748 m, East Region de Valparaiso, Chile 10s/100
Out of stock
100.00 REC
Eriosyce ceratistes 100s/100
Out of stock
100.00 REC
Eriosyce ceratistes X sandillon VERY INTERMEDIATE EXTRA ROBUST STEM , YELLOW AND ALSO BLACK SPINY PLANTS KP 762 Sierra Telahuen off road in very hight rockie right hill 1399 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/100
Out of stock
100.00 REC
Eriosyce ceratistes form/robust stem,black central curved spines/JB 85 Punitaqui-Riverbed,dpt. Coquimbo,Chile 10s/67
Out of stock
67.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) strausiana till multicolorispina INTERMEDIATE FORM NICE SPINY BKN 15 A Veinticinco de Mayo I. place in alt. 884 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) straussianus NEW SPECIAL FORM TILL HOOKED SPINY BKN 18 A North East of El Parral alt. 1184 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (SBSCT. PYRRHOCACTUS) umadeave var. marayesensis (dark green, blue till silver body, black spined nice plants) PSCA 53 26 KM North-West of Marayes alt. 850 m, road to Las Chacras, p. San Juan, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Eriosyce aurata PV2058 S. Vicuna 15s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Eriosyce aff. aurata variabilni PV2059 N. Hurtado 20s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Eriosyce aff. aurata variab. PV2059 N. Hurtado 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Eriosyce aurata PV2177 S. Hurtado 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) sandillon RIO ELQUI GOLD CURVED SPINY KP 778 Hacienda Los Andes to Vicuna Road alt. 1847 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) sandillon RIO ELQUI GLOWING ORANGE SPINY KBC 966 A Puente Arenal alt. 1717 m, dpt. Coquimbo, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) sandillon (SPECIAL TILL HAIRY) GOLD CURVED SPINY KP 780 Cochiguaz Valley alt. 1764 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) sandillon (plants with nice softly hairy gold orangr curved spines, NOT YET TYPICAL Eriosyce aurata) BCHK 1434 Quebrada Churque to Cordon Paranao village alt. 1697 m, Region de Coquimbo, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) ihotzkyanae (LARGE STEMS TILL 50 CM DIAMETER, asbestic thickly curved spines, silver dark green body) BCHK 1447 Loma de Las Canas Valley alt. 331 m, Region de Coquimbo, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
ERIOSYCE (TYPICAL ERIOSYCE) aurata v. spinibarbis ORANGE GOLD SPINY KBC 964 Guardia Viejo alt. 998 m, East Region de Valparaiso, Chile 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Eriosyce SPECIES NOVA / ceratistes X sandillon / INTERMEDIATE EXTRA CURVED SPINY MOUNTAIN F. KP 772 off road Sierra Pichasca - Rio Hurtado III. 896 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/145
Out of stock
145.00 REC
Escobaria villardi SB66, Otero Co. ,NM 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Escobaria neglecta aff. form/dark body,small clustering heads/KMR240 Ejido La Constanca,Coahuila 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Escobaria kracikii typf. very super rare new,extremely beautiful 5-9 black central spines VZD 266 S of Buen Dia,Durango 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Escobaria calipensis-retusa intermediate form/New January 2007,white-brown curved spines/CH 686 states Oaxaca-Puebla bordeR10s/91
Out of stock
91.00 REC
Escobaria radians-cornifera aff. /strong dark recurved central spines/KMR135 Ejido San Francisco,Queretaro 10s/37
Out of stock
37.00 REC
Escobaria difficilis-borwigii aff. form/heavy rigid golden spines/KMR422 Entronque La Rosa,Coahuila10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Escobaria difficilis SPECIAL SPINED FORM/greatfull hard spines alike C. kracikii/KMR273 Ej. Viesca old road over west side mts. Sierra de Parras,Coahuila 10s/91
Out of stock
91.00 REC
Escobaria kracikii TYPE ORIGIN MATERIAL,New,ORIGIN TYPE MATERIAL from findeRMr. Milan Majer/MMR62 TYPUS El Portento/Ej. Buen Dia/,Durango 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Escobaria kracikii MORE GOLD SPINED FORM,NEW FIND-new different locality/VCA137 Arroyo de Cruces,Durango 10s/136
Out of stock
136.00 REC
Escobaria tripugionacantha f. nova TOP NEW 2005 year/greatfull plant,new different area,otheRtype population/VCA098 El Chalihuey-Los Moros,Zacatecas 10s/166
Out of stock
166.00 REC
Escobaria retusa typform/very thick spines,white top/CZ 144 Mitla,Oaxaca 10s/61
Out of stock
1.00 REC
Escobaria difficilis form,New,heavy rigid spines MMR47. 1 El Pilar,Coahuila 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Escobaria kracikii SPECIAL GOLD SPINED FORM,News,population with mostly golden spines/KMR394 Ejido El Portento,Durango 10s/136
Out of stock
136.00 REC
Escobaria poselgeriana v. valida form/greatfull gold-black central spines/KMR322 El Hundido km 23 into mts. ,Coahuila 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Escobaria cornifera v. maliterrarum/hard spines/Z 188 Pena Blanca,Queretaro 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Escobaria delicata aff. long central spines,pink-orange flower KKR288 El Capulin,Tamaulipas10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Escobaria kracikii original type new describe,very super rare new,extremely beautiful 5-9 black central spines KKR167 San Fermin direct to El Diamante,Durango 10s/106
Out of stock
106.00 REC
Escobaria strobiliformis PP1175 20s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Escobaria strobiliformis KS176A 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Escobaria strobiliformis 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Escobaria chihuahuensis CC1814 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Escobaria hesteri 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Escobaria chaffeyi 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Escobaria erecta TALL YELLOW ORANGE TILL BROWN SPINED FORM/tall green stem,large yellow flower/KSM 683 San Juanico alt.1390 m,Queretaro and Guanajuato border area 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Escobaria cornifera f. strong dark recurved centrals CHA 81 Vizzaron km 99,Queretaro 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Escobaria zilziana ssp.fricii MK33.129 Sierra de la Paila 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Escobaria zilziana SB 103 NW Nuevo Leon,Mexico 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Escobaria guerkeana form,New,beautifull taxon,till hooked spines/MMR49. 2 La Joya,Durango 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Escobaria gladispina-ramillosa aff. form/clusters into flat mat,black long spines/KMR304 highway Saltillo-rd. Monclova km 90,Coahuila 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Escobaria gladispina-ramillosa aff. form/clusters into flat mat,black long spines/KMR304 highway Saltillo-rd. Monclova km 90,Coahuila 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Escobaria reduncispina/simillaRto C. retusa/PP 696 Tecamachalco,Puebla 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Escobaria difficilis till borwigii = ALL IS SALINENSIS FORM/heavy rigid golden spines,very nice silver body plants/KSM 693 El Peyote alt.1510 m,SLP 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Espostoa lanata 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Eulychnia sp. holy plod PV2055 E La Serena Los Coranes 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Eulychnia sp. holy plod PV2040 E Totoral 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Eulychnia longispina EXTRA SUPER CURVED SPINED F. KP 773 off road Sierra Pichasca - Rio Hurtado III. 896 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Eulychnia longispina SUPER EXTRA LONG SPINED F. KP 754 La Ligua - Sierra La Isla off road 731 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Eulychnia longispina SUPER EXTRA LONG SPINED F. KP 754 La Ligua - Sierra La Isla off road 731 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 20s/25
Out of stock
35.00 REC
Eulychnia longispina form/extra long central brown black spines/KP736 Highway Quelon 780m, East Region de Valparaiso, Chile 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Ferocactus species/long central spines 100s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Ferocactus histrix VM482 Jaltiche de Ariba Agc. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus horridus 20s/18
In stock
18.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus Fresnillo, ZAC, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus Villa Garcia, ZAC, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus Mineral de Pozos, GTO, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus East of San Luis de la Paz, GTO, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus Bernal, QTO, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus lindsayi Infernillo, MICH, Mex.10s/32
In stock
32.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus x recurvus hibrid Tula, HGO, Mex.10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae Concepcion Bay, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae Between Loreto-Mulege, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus longihamatus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus lindsayi Paso del Chivo, MICH. Mex. New population! 10s/49
In stock
49.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae Sierra San Francisco, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae Pinuela, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae El Cajete, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae Volcan Tres Virgenes, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus herrerae Alamos, SON, Mex.10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Ferocactus herrerae Los Mochis, SIN, Mex. 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Ferocactus herrerae Navajoa, SON, Mex.10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
FEROCACTUS emoryi Orcutt subsp. covillei NICE LONG HEAVY RIDGED SPINED FORM /BKLM 1011 Road SONORA MX 2,East of Quitovac alt. 462 m,Sonora,Mexico 100s/55
Out of stock
55.00 REC
FEROCACTUS horridus NICE SHORTLY HEAVY HARD HOOKED SPINED FORM /BKLM 1012 Road SONORA MX 2,Magdalena de Kino City periphery alt. 752 m,Sonora,Mexico 100s/55
Out of stock
55.00 REC
FEROCACTUS latispinus NICE FLAVISPINUS LARGE STEM FORM BKM 937 El Pedernal I. / in meadow plain /, SLP 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
FEROCACTUS stainesii ( Salm-Dyck ) Britton & Rose var. pilosus NICE TYPICAL FORM /BKLM 1064 North of San Juan de Los Cedros alt. 1759 m,Zacatecas,Mexico 100s/55
Out of stock
55.00 REC
FEROCACTUS Cactaceae Ferocactus subgen.Hamatacanthus Bravo NICE LONG SPINED COLOURED CLUSTERING TYPICAL FORM /BKLM 1035 South West of Flechas alt. 1960 m,Durango,Mexico 100s/55
Out of stock
55.00 REC
FEROCACTUS acanthodes var. eastwoodiae BEST NICE WHITE YELLOW TILL REDDISH HEAVY CURVED LONG SPINED BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTH AREA FORM / BKLM 1008 Road BCN 3 Cerro de la Trinidad alt. 1091 m,Baja California North,Mexico 100s/105
Out of stock
105.00 REC
FEROCACTUS acanthodes subsp. tortulispinus SUPER HEAVY CURVED LONG CENTRALS NICE FORM /BKLM 1004 Road BCN 1 Guayaquil alt. 583 m,Baja California North,Mexico 100s/105
Out of stock
105.00 REC
FEROCACTUS latispinus NICE SPINED LARGE STEM FORM BKM 944 North of Villa de Ramos alt. 2228 m, SLP 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Ferocactus latispinus form/green body, flat red hooked spines/BKN128mineral de Pozos,Guanajuato 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Ferocactus emoryi Cajon del Diablo, SON, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus emoryi South of Sonoyta, SON, Mex. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Ferocactus emoryi Sonoyta, SON, Mex. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Ferocactus emoryi Sonoyta 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Ferocactus fordii Between Guerrero Negro-Santo Domingo, BCN, Mex. 10s/18
Out of stock
18.00 REC
Ferocactus glaucescens 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus gracilis Rosarito, BCN, Mex.10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus hamatacanthus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Ferocactus peninsulae South-East of Volcan Tres Virgenes, BCS, Mex 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus El Papayo, PUE, Mex. 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus Between Cabo San Lucas-San Jose del Cabo, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus steinesii v. pilosus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus steinesii 235km Saltillo Coah VM 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus North-East of La Paz, Mex 1.sz út, 70.km, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus North of San Jose del Cabo, BCS,Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus La Paz, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus v. santa-maria Mex 22, km 46., BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus Todos Santos, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus South-East of La Paz, BCS, Mex.10s/9
Out of stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus San Antonio-San Bartolo, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus v. santa-maria San Carlos, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus townsendianus v. santa-maria Mex 22.km 50., BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus wislizeni Villa Ahumada, CHIH, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus wislizenii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Ferocactus wisslizenii, Portal, N. Mexiko - IS 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus wisslizenii, Organ Pipe, Az 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus wislizenii NT Samalayuca Chihuahua Mex 10s
In stock
12.00 REC
Ferocactus steinesii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus schwarzii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus setispinus v. setaceus SB523 Jim Howk Co. Tx. 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Ferocactus rectispinus San Buenaventura, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus rectispinus Puerto Escondido, BCS, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus rectispinus Pinuela, BCS, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus pilosus North of Matehuala, SLP. Mex. 10s/17
In stock
17.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus ssp. greenwoodii Mitla, OAX, Mex. 10s/19
In stock
19.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus Tlacotepec, OAX, Mex. 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus Teotitlan, PUE, Mex.10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus Tehuacan, PUE, Mex. 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus Suchixtlahuaca, OAX, Mex.10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus x macrodiscus Suchixtlahuaca, OAX, Mex. 10s/19
In stock
19.00 REC
Ferocactus recurvus ssp. greenwoodii San José Lachiguiri, OAX, Mex. Yellow flowers! 10s/19
In stock
19.00 REC
Ferocactus robustus Tehuacan, PUE, Mex.10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus robustus Tecamachalco, PUE, Mex. 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Ferocactus setispinus v. setaceus SB282 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus setispinus v. orcutii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus setispinus v. flavibaccatus SB851 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus setispinus L 1094 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Ferocactus wislizenii NT Janos Chihuahua Mex. 10s
In stock
12.00 REC
Frailea horstii v. ritteriana GF379 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea gracilima v. rosea 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima FR948 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima FR949 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima GF190 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima GF195 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima GF888 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima LB912 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima PR948 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea glaucescens schl.98 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea gloriosa PR15 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea gracilima v. horstii GF333 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Frailea gracilima PR949 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea horstii GF333 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea horstii GF840 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Frailea horstii HU1105 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea horstii HU13 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea horstii HU332 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea horstii HU342 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea horstii v. fecotrigensis PR186 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea grahliana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea grahliana FR1254 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea hlineckyana 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea horstii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea columbiana 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea concepcionensis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea fulviseta 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea albifusca HR1334 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea albifusca hrabě 1334 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea albifusca MG3. 851 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea alacriportana f. cacapaya 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea alacriportana HU231 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea alacriportana v. centralis PR157 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea alacriportana v. fulyispina FS5 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea sp. UN 509 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila v. corientes LB250 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea angelensis P390 25s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Frailea albifusca FR1392 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea albifusca FR1392 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Frailea asterioides FS485 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea CF6125 10s/5
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea colombiana 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea cataphracta 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea carminifilamentosa 5s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea atilarensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea aurea 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Frailea aureispina KPR25 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea albispina 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea altacensis PR714 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea angelensis P390 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea asterioides FS485 25s/16
Out of stock
16.00 REC
Frailea klusacekii 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea tenuissima GF293 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. dadakii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. gloriosa 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. mayor 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea Presl 200 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea UN509 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. aurea 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. bruneomolispina 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea v. curvispina FS4 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea HU98 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea afFrailea PR525 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea schilinzkyana BL205 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea schilinzkyana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea sp. Argentina Dodonaeus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea uebelmanniana 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea sp. Olima de Tupambae 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea sp. Parayan 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea sp. U 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea sp. centr. Olima de Tupambae 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea sp. Dodonaeus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea sp. HU11 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea sp. HU111 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Frailea schilinzkyana MG435. 85 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea schilinzkyana UN511 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pygmaea afFrailea sp. Lavras 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila v. hirta 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila v. hirta 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea phaeodisca FS810 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea phaeodisca Gerards 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea phaeodisca SCHL85 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Frailea perumbilicata KZ125 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea phaeacantha v. heliosa SCHL521 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea moseriana SM114 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Frailea mammifera GF223 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Frailea mammifera GF616 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea mammifera HU345 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea mammifera 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pseudopulcheriana Uhlig 170 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Frailea pseudopulchera 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea phaodisca FR1370 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea pumila v. rubrispina HU66 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea pumila afFrailea LB254 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila afFrailea MGH228 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila MGM239 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea pumila SCHL. 53 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pumila sp. Schumann 53 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pumila sp. Schumann 55 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Frailea pumila v. alegretensis HU89 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Frailea pseudopulcherrima 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea pumila 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Frailea lepida GF301 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus VM348 La Morita SLP 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Glandulic.uncinatus DARK NICE LONG TILL CURVED SPINES,GROWING IN NEW PLACE WITH LOPHOPHORA WILLIAMSII IN PLAINS/mostly black till brownish central hooked spines,violet till brownish flower/KSM755 11km North West of Matamoros alt.1540 m,Zacatec, 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus form/EXTRA very long twisted central hooked spines/KMR503 Hercules,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus form/EXTRA very long twisted central hooked spines,dark flower/coll.I.DRAB Ciudad Lerdo KM 106,Durango 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus DARK LONG TILL CURVED SPINES NICE FORM/mostly black till brownish central hooked spines,violet till brownish flower/KSM 741 East of Viesca alt.1215 m,Coahuila 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GLANDULICACTUS uncinatus BLACK COLOUR NICE FLOWERING FORM BKM 787 La Libertad alt. 1024 m, SLP 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus DARK LONG SPINED FORM/mostly black till brownish central hooked spines,violet till brownish flower/KSM 703 2 km East of San Carlos alt.1490 m,SLP 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus 10s/8 v. wrightii SB232
In stock
8.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus 12s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus Las Sabinitas SLP 51. 123 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus v. wrightii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus v. wrightii VM463 Flores Magyon vych. C 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Glandulicactus uncinatus f. red-yellow 15 cm central hooked spines KMR8 Palomas-Rio Verde/Road n. 55,SLP 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Gymnocactus mandragora TK318 Sierra de la Parras 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Gymnocactus beguinii v. senilis 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus beguinii LX176 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus beguinii LX176 25s/20
In stock
20.00 REC
Gymnocactus knuthianus RS678 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus knuthianus PM273 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus knuthianus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocactus beguinii VS39A 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus beguinii v. smithii 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus sp. LAU 1199 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus sausieri 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus roseanus LX578 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocactus roseanus LAU1199 ruzovy kvet 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocactus ysabelae PP835 20s/28
In stock
28.00 REC
Gymnocactus roseanus 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. ferox JPR54/121 Ruta1 East San Miguel Chub. (J)10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferrarii P136 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferrari P136 Est Mazan LR 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferrari 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferrarii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferox v. ferocior (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferox 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferox STO 498, Las Charas, Catam. 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium eurypleurum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium eytianum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium eytianum, pirisem. (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium eurypleurum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium erinaceum STO390 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium erinaceum v. paucisquamossum JPR193/587 Ongamira Cord. 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium dopianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium dubniorum JPR 68/154,Puerto Madryn,Chub. 15s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium durselianum (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium fischeri VS1 El Volcan SL 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium fischeri v. suyuquense VS8 El Volcan SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum f. two colored spines 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum f. VJ101/86, tmave telo, prilehl. trny (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum f. dvoubarevne trny, tmave telo 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum f. ruzove kvety (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum f. sirsi a plossi zebra 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum (J)(trny!) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gastonii JPR22/56 Cerro de la Ventana BA 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium genserii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii v. moserianum GM789 (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii v. moserianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii v. moserianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii v. albiflorum HU314 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium friedrichii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium fricianum 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium fleischerianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium denudatum v. brasiliense 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium denudatum v. delaetianum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium damsii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium cordobense 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium castellanosii v. armilatum Lilapes LR VS15 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium castellanosii v. armilatum Lilapes LR P217 10s/6
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium castellanosii FS293 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium castellanosii (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum, El Rodeo, Catamarca (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum P133 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum P133 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum small form with short spines and light red flowers 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum small form with short spines and light red flowers 2km Los Angeles SE Slopes 1550m Catam. (J) 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum P113 Sierra Ambata 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum mala forma, kratke trny, svetlecerveny kvet 8km Los Angeles JV svahy 1550m Catam. 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium cardenasianum (superotrneni!!) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum (cerv. kvet) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium capillaense,Capilla del Monte,Cordoba 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium denudatum v. roseiflorum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium catamarcense f. JPR158/486 Cuesta de Belen Andalgala Cat. 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium delaetii 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium denudatum 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium denudatum Cv. Jan Suba (J) 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium deeszianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium damsii v. rotundulum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium damsii v. tucavocense (J) 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium damsii v. centrispinum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium damsii v. evae STO983 Santiago, Santa Corason, Bol. 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium curvispinum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium curvispinum Catamarca, Fric name for G.nidulans form 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium curvispinum portezuelensis 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium comarapense (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium comarapense albipulpa (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium catamarcense v. schmiedianum P218 Tinogasta S of Cat. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium catamarcense v. schmiedianum STO60 Tinogasta S of Cat. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium catamarcense (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum,Villa San Luis 5 km -> Salsacate,Cord.15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. ferox 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium zegarrae HT 270 (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 1-3 trny JPR106/253 Barranca de Los Loros Cord. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium valnicekianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tudae 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tillianum L488 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tillianum R-358 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tillianum WR227 (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium triacanthum 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium triacanthum Icano 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium triacanthum P124 Sierra Ancasti, Catam. (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tillianum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tilcarense more spiny form ex Milt 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tilcarense (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sutterianum-poeschlii , La Cruz 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium taningaense 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium taningaense 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium taningaense P212 Salsacate-Taninga, Cord. (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 1-3 spines JPR 107/257,Las Rabonas,Cord. 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 1 spine 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium zegarrae 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium uebelmannianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium uruguayense 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium uruguayense v. roseiflorum 12s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium uruguayense v. roseiflorum LB 655,Arroyo Tres Cruces,Artigas,Urug. 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium uruguayense v. roseiflorum LB658 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium weissianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium wagnerianum (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vieditzianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium villamercadense 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii P108 (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii f. tmave telo, 3trny (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii Fechser 4102 (J) 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii L516 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii Lau 516 Salsacate, Cord. (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii f. P103 (velmi velke plody), Villa del Carmen, SL (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii GN 89-169/488, SL (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. cinereum (J)10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium horridispinum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium obductum 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium obductum LF 81 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mostii v. STO2 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mostii STO2/3 Santa Catalina Cord. maly stonek, ostra zebra (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nataliae STO 526,Fomento Ganadero,San Luis 10s/28
Out of stock
28.00 REC
Gymnocalycium netrelianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium Theloc. hexaedrophorus 100s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium horstii (J) 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium glaucum 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. rostratum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. nigrum ex Smrcek 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. nigrum ex Smrcek,double coloured spines 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. nobile (J) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. pluricostatum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ourselianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai STO210 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum STO544 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum odst. trny,LujandeCuyo(zlikv. nal. na poz. elektrarny)Mendoza(J) 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum JPR 87/197 Lujan de Cuyo Mendoza 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stenopleurum P 435, Americo Picco, Nueva Asuncion, Paraguay (J) 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum-rtiojense f. Uhlig, dark stem 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. zantnerianum 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. minimum STO285, San Pedro del Norte, Huasi 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. rotundulum 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. minimum STO285 San Pedro Del Norte Inti Huasi Cord 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. minimum 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum P-76 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum STO88-225 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum STO99 Sierra Masa, Puerta Colorado, Cord. (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum (J) (miniatura!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. VS1 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. fenelii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. orientale P104 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvilei v. grandiflorum form/beautifull extremely large pink flower/SL 11 A East El Condor top hill 2200 m,p. Cordoba,Argentina 20s/17
Out of stock
17.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM eurypleurum (single green body, nice large white pink flowers) M 22 County Leon, dpt. Boqueron, Paraguay 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM SPEGAZZINII SSP.BRUNNEOSOMUM NOM.PROV.(nice dark chocolate body,spined brown black special very strong centrals) JO 1080.01 El Corralito,p.Salta,Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM eurypleurum NICE TYPICAL FORM /FR 1178 At foot of Cerro Leon, p. Alto Paraguay, Paraguay 20s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium MARSONERII new FORM/new FIND IN 2004 YEAR KUPCAK,BIS AND NOVAK,flowers yellow,green till rare RED/BKN61B San Pedro-Villa Guasayan I.397m,p.Santiago del Estero,Arg. 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pflanzii form/velvety thick rounded stem/coll.m.Tvrdik Iscayachi,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum till polycephalum INTERMEDIATE FORM/new area,nice curved spines/LF 27 Anillaco 1500m,p.La Rioja,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense ssp.kozelskyanum SANJUANENSE new FORM/news ,best long hard spines/KP194 S of Boca de La Quebrada 1123m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense ssp.paucispinum v.GUASAYANENSE TYPE FORM/blue silver body,strong spines/KP258 Villa Guasayan/white hill/489m,p.Santiago de Estero,Arg. 10s/15
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15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM SPEGAZZINII SPECIAL BLACK SPINED AND BLACK BODY NEW MOUNTAIN POPULATION /KFF 1272 Los Cerillos Valley I. / camina ripio, cca KM 4, in left side near microonda / alt. 2307 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense TRIACANTHUM till stellatum PAUCISPINUM INTERMEDIATE FORM/news ,only in rockies/BKN73C SE Sierra de Ancasti-NW of Icano VII.860m,p.Cat.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglione GIGANTIC FORM/robust red fruits,diameter stem till 40 cm/PEM45 La Vinita-Cafayate 1685m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglione GIGANTIC FORM/robust red fruits,diameter stem till 40 cm/BKN51D La Vinita 1685m, p.Salta,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM schickendantzii NICE SILVER BODY FORM /KFF 1319 Chilecito I. / Chilecito to Famatina road, in left and raight side from plains into rocks, hill with white cross / alt. 1089 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense ssp.paucispinum v.GUASAYANENSE new FORM/different special form,blue silver body/PEM41 Ciudad Recreo 235m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense ssp.piltziorum form/chocolate body,nice black spines/P 38 Sierra de Velasco 1200m,p.La Rioja,Arg. 10s/5
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hossei-guanchinense form/extra long curved spines/P 79 A Chilecito-Guanchin 1300 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Gymnocalycium reductum form/new material,long stem,dark body,cream-white flower/JPR92-17/45 Cerro Tuna 350-550 m,p. Buenos Aires,Argentina 10s/17
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum v. nigrum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum WR548 (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum, Lujan de Cuyo,Mendoza (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum, oustanding spines, Lujan de Cuyo 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium striglianum, outstanding spines, Lujan de Cuyo (from destroyed place due to dam building) mendoza 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum 40s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai ssp.vatterii HARD GLADIATE SPINED FORM/very hard spined taxon/coll.FECHSER 4102 Sierra Grande,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae ssp.fechserii TYP ( DOPPIANUM n.n.)/origin collect J.Piltz,Germany/P 378 Pampa de San Luis 2000m,p.Cord.,Arg. 1000s/155
In stock
155.00 REC
Gymnocalycium tillianum ORIGIN TYPE FORM/origin authentic collect Walter Rausch,Austria/R 227 Sierra Ambato,p.Cat.,Arg. 1000s/155
Out of stock
155.00 REC
ii Salta Morales XVJ38A-1330 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 1 trn 30s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ferocior form exclusive spines,collected 1992 H. Amerhauser,F. Strigl and H. Till STO92-498 West of Las Charas,p. Cord. ,Arg. 100s/58
Out of stock
58.00 REC
Gymnocalycium catamarcense v. belense very hard coloured spines form KP584 Belen-Tinogasta Ruta 40,km91 1153m,p. Cat. ,Arg. 100s/78
Out of stock
78.00 REC
Gymnocalycium rioj. ssp. kozelskyanum X rioj. ssp. piltziorum NATURE INTERMEDIATE/news,robust stem,curved spines/KP 434 N. P. Talampaya II. /rockies/1216 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/37
Out of stock
37.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense form/stem remains flat,carmine centered flower/P 402 Salinas Grandes 400 m,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/17
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii MARAYESII TYPE FORM/news ,coloured gladiate spines/WS080marayes 580m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schroederianum ssp.bayense form/very rare taxon,robust stem,flat central spines/JPR92-3/6 Olavarria-Cerro La China 280m,p.Buenos Aires,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM valnicekianum NICE SPINED FORM /CH 1007 West of Avellaneda alt. 853 m, p. Cordoba, Arg. 20s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM valnicekianum Jajó Kaktusar 5: 73 (fig.). 1934 POLYCENTRALIS SPECIAL SPINED NICE FORM BEDRICH JAJO 1947 Jaromir Chvastek Nursery Czech Republic 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM bozsingianum (dark body, pink flowers with a red throat) VS 19 Villa Chepes alt. 850 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM spegazzinii (brown silver body, very stout best strongly spines, flat stem with large root, pink till violet flowers) KP 229 Nevados del Aconquija I. place alt. 2141 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM GLAUCUM MUCIDUM BROWN SILVER TILL BLUE PLUM BODY (ashy grey nice body) STO 87 - 55 Andaluca, p. Catamarca, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM erinaceum v. paucisquamosum (different population very similar to species Gymnocalycium amerhauserii) CH 1090 Ojo de Agua / North West Area / alt. 972 m, p. Cordoba, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM gibbosum ssp. ferox v. nobile (like argentinian Echinocactus grusonii, white yellow curved till twisted spines) JPR 92 - 54 / 121 RUTA 1 Eastancia San Miguel, p. Chubut, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei tillmostii INTERMEDIATE FORM/mostly robust plant with hard spines/coll.Josef Odehnal Cerro Los Gigantes,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum till polycephalum INTERMEDIATE FORM/new area,nice curved spines/VS 52 Anillaco 1500m,p.La Rioja,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum till polycephalum INTERMEDIATE FORM/new area,nice curved spines/LF 27 Anillaco 1500m,p.La Rioja,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium amerhauserii TYPE FORM/origin collect STO GROUPE,Austria,very compact dark stem/STO 88-229/2 Sierra Chica Passo,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei v.steinerii ORIGIN TYPE FORM/best long stout yellow gold white spines/JPR92-109/260 Cumbre de Achala 1150m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum form/dark red flower/JPR95-180/522 observatory Cuesta de Portezuello 1850 m,Catamarca 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Gymnocalycium borthii f. GN 89-85/476 Ciudad de Rosario 920 m,p. San Luis,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Gymnocalycium borthii f. GN 89-85/476 Ciudad de Rosario 920 m,p. San Luis,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Gymnocalycium borthii f. GN 89-85/476 Ciudad de Rosario 920 m,p. San Luis,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM striglianum LONGISPINUM LA TOSCA SPECIAL VERY LONG TILL 10 CM CENTRAL FLAT HARD BLACK SPINES NICE FORM /KFF 1114 La Tosca / nearly hause, ca 400 meters right side in small canyon over bush / alt. 1144 m, p. Mendoza, Argentina 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum-obductum NICE INTERMEDIATE FORM/many areols,chocolate body/KP304 A E of Villa Quilino I.right side 447m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM schroederianum Osten subsp. paucicostatum R.Kiesling Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 59: 49 (fig.). 1987 NICE FORM LB 960 Curuzu Cuatia, West of crossroads of Route 119 with 126, p. Corrientes, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM SPEGAZZINII SPECIAL DARK GREEN BODY VERY FLAT STEM FORM /KFF 1280 Punta de Balasto / before village, in right side small flat hills in bush / alt. 2100 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM schuetzianum H.Till & Schatzl Kakteen And. Sukk. 32(10): 236, fig. 1981 ORIGIN TYPE MATERIAL SENSU Schatzl, S. (fl. 1979) NICE LARGE PLANTS S. (fl. 1979) Jaromir Chvastek Nursery Czech Republic 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM SPEGAZZINII SUBFORM CAESPITOSA SPECIAL NEW FORM WITH GIGANTIC CLUSTERING TILL 1 METER DIAMETER STEM /KFF 1303 Las Torres I. / cca 500 meters bellow road, near child´s playground / alt. 1922 m, p. Salta, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii form/province Cat. -Tuc. area,dark body, very stout spines/KP232 S of Tio Punco 1810m,p.Tuc.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii PUNILLAENSE new FORM/very compact stem,nice chocolate body/KP249 SE of Corralito 1590m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii new FORM/strong till curved spines,red till violet flower/KP235 Ruinas del Quilmes left side 1839m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM SPEGAZZINII SSP. BRUNNEOSOMUM NOMEN PROVISORIUM NICE SPECIAL CHOCOLATE EPIDERMIS BODY NEW SUBSPECIES /KFF 1294 El Corralito I. / left side plain to rock hill with white cross / alt. 1629 m, p. Salta, Argentina 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii ssp.BAYRIANUM FORM/compact stem,brown curved spines/GN 88-69/169 Sierra demedina 1350m,p.Tuc.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Out of stock
15.00 REC
GYMNOCALYCIUM spegazzinii VIOLACIFLORUM TOLOMBON SALTA AREA RED TILL MOSTLY DARK VIOLET FLOWERING NICE COMPACT SPECIAL FORM / massive very flat ribs, dark green till brown body, brownish till black centrals, growing between bush in plains bellow rock hil
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum form/greyish brown body, variable spider spines/WS026 Estancia Vieja 685m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum form/greyish brown body, variable spider spines/P 202 Villa Carlos Paz 700m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum-obductum NICE INTERMEDIATE FORM/many areols,chocolate body/JPR95-184/561 Quilino 470m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum-obductum NICE INTERMEDIATE FORM/many areols,chocolate body/KP306 B E of Villa Quilino II.447m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium borthii f. GN 89-85/476 Ciudad de Rosario 920 m,p. San Luis,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Gymnocalycium anisitsii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium capillaense 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachyanthum GN 91-77/1177 R3 SL (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachyanthum GN77/1177 R3 SL 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachyanthum v. confusa (gertrudae) GN102/257 (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bozsingianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bicolor v. simplex 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum v. albiflorum JPR178/544 pred Alto Catam. 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum v. venturianum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum, Alto del Portezuelo, Catamarca (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum P127 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum Sierra de Ancasti Catamarca (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum El Rodeo Catamarca 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium baldianum (sanguiniflorum) STO135/3 Andalgala Agua de Paloma prusmyk 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium anisitsii, trnita f. (J) 20s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium asterium 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum JPR25/64 GRL Conesa ruta53 RN 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum JPR 118/297 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum, Alta Gracia, Cordoba (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum, Tanti, Sierra Cordoba (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum Villa San Luis 11km Salsacate Cord. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum L. Ros. Sol. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum Carlos Paz Cord ex Odehnal 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium buenekeri 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium buenekeri RWB462 Rio Grande do Sul 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bruchii v. brigittae P214 (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bruchii v. albispinum 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium Brasilicactus hasselbergi v. stellatus/15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium Brasilicactus hasselbergii v. stellatus 100s/26
In stock
26.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum JPR29/72 Ruta61 Arroyo de Los Berros RN 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum JPR70/157 Barranca de Gualicho RN 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum JPR71/158, Choele Choel RN 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum ex Elsner, long black spines 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium asterium FL401 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. matzneterii 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. kainradliae GN90-270/876 Piedra Blanca SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. orientale LB332 Las Albahacas Cordoba 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. chacrasense GN88-117/286 (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. kainradliae GN102/255 Colonel Pringles SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. kainradliae GN270/867 Piedza Blanca SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense P104 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. echinatum GN 343/1187 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. echinatum GN343/1187 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. chacrasense GN117/286 Las Chacras SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense GN77-365 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium accorugatum VS34 San Augustin SJ 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium accorugatum LB438 San Augustin de Valle Fertil SJ 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium accorugatum STO555 Chucuma SJ 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium accorugatum STO901 Chucuma SJ 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium accorugatum VS32 Chucuma SJ 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. kainradliae GN88-270/867 (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium albiareolatum v. ramosum VS 59,Villa Sanagasta,La Rioja 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. rubriflorum 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae var. P378 (doppianum) (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. fechseri P378 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. longispinum Alta Gracia Cord. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. carolinense GN104/260 Piedras Blancas SL 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. carolinense GN273/878 Ct. Pajoso SL 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae v. carolinense GN104/260 Piedras Blancas SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae P199 El Condor Cord. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium andreae 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium amerhauseri ex Amerhauser 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ambatoense P22 Conception Catamarca 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium altagraciense P 119,Villa de Maria, Cord. 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium altagraciense P119 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. villamercedense GN83/207 Cerrola Mogote SL 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium achirasense v. villamercedense GN88-83/207 (J) 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium gibbosum var. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium zegarrae v. saipinense KK736, Saipina, Bol. 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sigelianum 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. STO669, ochoterenai-intertextum komplex (J)20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Tel de Telaritos 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Telaritos 20s/6
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. VJ102/86, tmave ploche telo, prilehle trny, ovatisem (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hossei 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium grandiflorum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium grandiflorum (monvillei) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium griseopallidum 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium guanchinense (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei Alta Gracia, Cordoba (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei Carlos Paz Cordoba (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei Los Gigantos 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei Los Gigantos ArGymnocalycium 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei P12 Sierra Tulumba Cord. (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei Sierra Grande Cordoba (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium zegarrae HT 347 (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. STO278 leptanthum-altagraciense k. San Martin-Dean Funes Cord. (J)15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. STO223 leptanthum-altagraciennse Comelek Copina Alta Gracia 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sindae JPR36/89 (form brachypetalum) Puerto Colorado RN 10s/17
In stock
17.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Argentina La Rioja 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. BS-610/3 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Cardenas 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Cardenas,ochoterenai complex,3 short oustanding spines,small flowers 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. La Cruz, Sierras de Lago, Cord. , poeschlii ? (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. LF8A 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. P103 stuckertii aff. Villa del Carmen San Luis 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. P205 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. P212 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. R-174 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Salinas 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. Salsacate 14km JV Cord. dlouhe 3 trny intermedium 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. San Pedro 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. STO 474 trichomosem. San Salvador Catam. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. STO11, ochoterenai-intertextum komplex (J) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei STO828/2 La Cumbre Cord. (J) 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei STO828/2 Sierra Tulumba Cord. (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium henisii v. vanvlietii 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium henisii Van Vliet 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei,La Falda,Cord. 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum dlouhe pokrivene hnede trny ex Belgie (intertextum?) 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum long curved spines ex Belgie (intertextum) (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum P81A 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum sp. CH, very long yellow spines 10/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum v. longispinum 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium moserianum, dlouh. pokriv. trny, Belgie (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mostii (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium lukasikii ssp. emilii STO 1596,Fomento Ganadero-Las Aguadas,SL 10s/32
Out of stock
32.00 REC
Gymnocalycium marquezii (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii LF 68,La Angostura,Salta 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium parvulum STO 521,Loma Bola,Cord. 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium parvulum VS 160,Loma Bola,Cord. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium henisii v. albispinum 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium henisii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii sp. salsacatae (3trny) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii thick dark grey spines ex Rauh 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii v. altautinense LB1351 Banado de Paja 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii-moserianum Sl 9a,Diqeula Viňa lake, Cord. 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium megalothelos v. delaetianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium megatae 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium Meloc. erythracanthus 100s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium Meloc. robustispinus 100s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii 15s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii Fr. Braun (hnede) 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v. friedrichii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v. melocactiforme 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v. moserianum 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v. piraretaense (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii v. stenogonum 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hamatum (J) 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pflanzii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schuetzianum FR430 Cruz del Eje, Cord. (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium prochazkianum STO 1581,Quilino S of,Cord. 12s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. kleinianum STO648 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. kleinianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. kleinianum Carlos Paz, Cordoba (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. kleinianum Sierra de Oro, Cordoba (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. zantnerianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium radekii JPR70/157 Barranca De Gualicho RN (brachypetalum form)(J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ragonesii f. Marajes 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ragonesii L472 15s/5
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium reductum from old Czech collection 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium reductum JPR17/45 Stegman, Sierra de Tuna, Cerro Tuna BA (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium reductum JPR18/46 Sierra de la Ventana Cordon, Mabaches (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium reductum JPR19/48 Sierra de Pilahuinco BA 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riograndense (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense ex Hanus (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense STO 43 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. flavispinum STO416 pred Bosque Alegre Cord (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. flavispinum STO225/4 Las Serranitas Rancherita Cord. (J)10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium proliferum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum from old Czech collection 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum P72 Andalgala Catam. (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum STO238 Mazan Chubicha LR 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum STO238 Mazan Chumbicha 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pugionacanthum VS 52, white thick spines, Anillaco,La Rioja 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pungens (J)(trny!!!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum (velmi nenarocne!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum Calamucita Cordoba (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum f. sometimes 1 central spine, Tanti Cord. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum Tanti Cordoba 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum Tanti forma obcas 1 stredni trn (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum Tanti vyber rostlin se stredovym trnem (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. albispinum (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium quehlianum v. flavispinum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense STO11 Los Colorados LR 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense STO273 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis f. albispinum (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis f. longispinum (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis f. nigrispinum (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis PV1991 S. Belen 10s/12
Out of stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis PV1998 STA Maria Cafayete 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis STO790 Miraflores Los Angeles Cat. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schatzlianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schatzlianum JPR11/25 Balcarce, Sierra Barrosa, BA (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schatzlianum JPR15/37 Balcarce, Sierra de Virgilancia, BA (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schatzlianum WR541 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii DJF172 San Luis SL (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii JPR 88/199, Mosmote, severne, SL 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii JPR 89/206, Zanjitas, SL 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii L473 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schickendantzii San Luis-Town (J) 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium saglionis (mohutne trny, nenarocne!) 20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Gymnocalycium rubriflorum n. n. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. mirandense 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. mirandense P222 Cuesta Miranda LR (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. paucispinum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. paucispinum Telaritos (J) 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. pipanacoense P 140, Salar de Pipinaco, LR (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense v. sanjuanense LB 423,Pampa Vieja, Huaco,San Juan 10s/16
Out of stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium riojense WR548A 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum f. cerveny kvet 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum oriGymnocalycium FR 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum P219 Sierra Famatina LR (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum STO305/1 Sanogasta, severn 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ritterianum WR126 Famatima LR (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium rosanthemum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium rotundicarpum 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium rubriflorum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium schroederianum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bruchii (nejsnadneji kvetouci kaktus!) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nidulans STO 31/3, Carrizal, Sierra de Mazan, La Rioja 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum 22s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum JPR186/224 Cuesta Del Portezuelo (J) 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum Alto del Portezuelo (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense JO 129,Estancia Mazan,LR 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense JO129 Estancia Mazan LR (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense v. ferox P 30a,Cuesta de Sebila,LR 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense v. polycephalum STO759 Sierra de Velasco LR 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mazanense var. (rhodanterum) P75 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mostii WO 68/69 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mucidum 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mucidum JO238 San Blas LR (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mucidum P 36, Tinogasta, Catam. 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mucidum P 36,Tinogasta,Catam. 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium mucidum SI 359 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nidulans 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neumeri GN77/1181 R3 SL (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bruchii GN255/810 Sierra de Portezuelo SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kozelskyanum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kozelskyanum ruzovy kvet 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kroenleinii aff.,Sa. Malanzan 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hossei typ. ex. Schutz 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium calochlorum Sierra de Oro Cordoba (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium paediophilum (J) 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium paediophilum FR1179 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. cinereum VS13 Polo Del Molle SL (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium genserii VS142 Ischilin Cord. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN77 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN77/1181 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi GN91-77/1181 R3 SL (J) 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium neuhuberi VS7 Suyuque Nuevo SL (J) 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Gymnocalycium telaritense 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium telaritense azureum 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii GN169/488 San Luis 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii San Luis - tow 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii San Luis S 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stuckertii-fischerii aff P103 Villa Del Carmen, SL 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sutterianum (?),tenk. krat. prilehl. trny,La Cruz Sierras de Lago Cordoba 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sutterianum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sutterianum aff. Villa de Dique Cord. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium wagnerianum zlute kvety, puv. BRD (J) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 3trny 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii 5trnu 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii De Tolomitas 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii f. 1 trn (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii f. 3 dlouhe odst. trny (intermedium?) (J) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium vatterii f. dark stem 1-3 long thick dark grey spines ex Rauh (J) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum BO130 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium carminanthum f. HT 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nucinudum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum v. carmineum STO 255,Villa Dolores,Catam. 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium terwemeanum 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bicolor 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bayrianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bayrianum v. longispinum 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium berchti VS161 Chanares SL 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bozsingianum P205 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium bozsingianum v. longispinum ex. Bozsing 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium guanchinense P226 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium guanchinense R568 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium guanchinense Schutz 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei ex Moser 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei f. dlouhe tenci pekt. otrneni 1-2 centr. (J)15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei f. zlute kratke pril. trny cervenohned. ex Moser (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium stellatum v. echinoideum 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum STO268 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum STO788 (J) 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium zegarrae HT679 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. scoparium LB383 Lujan SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pflanzii HT1363 (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium oehmeanum 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei up to 6cm long thin pectinate spines 10s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei v. albispinum 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei v. steineri 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium monvillei v. steineri JPR109/260 Cumbre de Achala Nina Paula 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chiquitanum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR 29/72 Ruta 61 Arroyo de Los Berros RN (J) 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR 35/86 Sierra de Chancha RN 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR 44/99,Rawson,Playa Union,Chub. 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR33/82 Ruta 5km 50 RN (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR36/89 Puerto Colorado RN (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR38/91 Peninsula Valdes Mautstelle Chub. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR62/142 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium odoratum 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ocultum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. tominense KK1684 (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. tominense STO967, Villa Tomina, Chiquisaca, Bolivia 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium pilziorum 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium platense 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium platygonum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium platygonum P216 Sierra Malanzan LR vychodne (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium platygonum STO474 San Salvador Catam. (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium poeschlii aff.LB 326,Sierra del Morro,SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium poeschlii GN 81/203,La Toma,SL 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hossei short spines 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Gymnocalycium sp. VS39 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium obductum P121 (pseudoragonesii) 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium obductum P121 Salina Grandes Cord. (J) 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium occultum Fechser 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium occultum P131 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium occultum STO258, Catamarca, Catam. 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense JPR68/154 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense WP40/50a ruta61 Minas Geotechnicas, Los Berros 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kurtzianum,Sierra de Oro, Cord. 100s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Gymnocalycium lafaldense 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium lagunillasense,Lagunillas,Bol. 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium lepidum P 192, Alpa Corral,Cordoba 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium leptanthum (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium lukasiki JPR 100/237 5s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum f. central spin 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum f. cerny trn (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kieslingii v. alboareolatum STO180 El Huaco(J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kieslingii v. alboareolatum STO19 Sanagasta LR (J) 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium brachypetalum P101 (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. herbsthoferianum GN100/509 Piedra Blanca 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. herbsthoferianum GN100/510 (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. herbsthoferianum LB386 Lujan SL (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. polygonum 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. scoparium GN859/2839 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kurtzianum, Sierra de Oro (J) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kurtzianum 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium chubutense WP92-128/182 Peninsula Valdes Maut Chub. 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intermedium 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intermedium P113 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intermedium P118 Salsacate vychodne Cord. 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intertextum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intertextum P118 (J) 10s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intertextum P81 (J) 10s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intertextum sensu Till 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium intertextum v. intermedium STO449 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium papschii STO521 Loma Bola Cord 12s/17
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Gymnocalycium parvulum 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium parvulum f. GN 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kieslingii v. castaneum P220 (J) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kieslingii v. P382 Sanagasta North of LR (J) 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kieslingii v. ramosum STO 864, Agua Blanca-Sanagasta,La Rioja 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Gymnocalycium kurtzianum (J) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Gymnocalycium ochoterenai v. scoparium GN 98-242,Quines,SL 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. cachetian 12s/8
In stock
12.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. flavibaccatus 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setaceus SB851 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Hamatocactus setaceus SB867 Star GO 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Hamatocactus orcutii 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Hamatocactus hamatacanthus 30s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Hamatocactus flavibaccatus SB851 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus hamatacanthus 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Hamatocactus Paila Coahuila TK417 30s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus LAU1094 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus L1094 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus SB851 white/bily 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus v. dayisii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. setaceus SB551 Jim Howk 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus sinuatus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus sinuatus v. orcutii 12s/8 (0,30EURO)
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus sinuatus v. papyracanthus 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. setaceus SB282 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. flavibaccatus SB851 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. hamatus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Hamatocactus setispinus v. orcutii 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Hamatocactus 36km za Cedral San Luis Potosi TK401 30s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Islaya paucispina v. glaucensis 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Islaya brevicylindrica 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Islaya copiapoides 12s/18
In stock
18.00 REC
Islaya flavida 30s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Krainzia guelzowiana RS761 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Krainzia guelzowiana v. robustior MZ665 20s/18
In stock
18.00 REC
Krainzia guelzowiana RS761 20s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Leuchtenbergia principis Hidalgo 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Leuchtenbergia principis (mexicka rarita) 10s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
LOBIVIA ferox till longispina (long 10 cm till rarely 20 cm greyish-black heavy spines),PSCA 82 Humahuaca alt.3050 m,p.Jujuy,Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Lobivia rubescens 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia rossii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia rebutioides Kraus II 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia rebutioides 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia RB500 (puv. orig. rostliny od Kreuzingera) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia pseudodeminuta 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia pseudocinnabarina (puv. imp. SPI) super!!!!!! 20s/120
In stock
120.00 REC
Lobivia pentlandii v. bicolor 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia pentlandii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia pectinifera 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia nivosa 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia nigrostoma 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia mistiensis 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia marsonerii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia marsomerii WR37 10/s10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia leucomalla R116 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia rubescens FR401 30s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Lobivia rubescens FR401 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
LOBIVIA ferox till longispina (very long thick curly spines) JO 145 Iruya, p. Jujuy, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
LOBIVIA haematantha v. kuehnrichii (small stem, heavy black spines) LAU 463 Cachipampa alt. 2400 m, p. Salta, Argentina 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
LOBIVIA pentlandii (very long spined plants) LH 487 La Paz, dpt. Oruro, Bolivia 60s/21
Out of stock
21.00 REC
Lobovia horrida 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia vattery v. robusta 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia vatterii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia sublimiflora v. krausii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia sublimiflora v. kramerii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia sp. orange-weis FL 20s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia sp. Cadu 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia slopoides 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia schreiterii 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia schaferii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia scopoides 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia saltensis v. nealeana (emmae) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia saltensis v. multicostata 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia leucomalla (bile trny, zlute kvety) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia larae 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia kermesiana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia dobeana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia densispina vyber zlutych forem 30s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia densispina vyber vinove cervenych forem 50s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia densispina v. rebutioides zlute formy 50s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia densispina v. rebutioides oranzove formy 30s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia densispina v. rebutioides cervene formy 50s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia densispina 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia culpinensis 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia cardenasiana WR498 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia cardenasiana WR498 50s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Lobivia calorubra WR463a 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia boliviensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia backebergiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia aureispina 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia aurea v. shaferi 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia aurea v. quinesensis WR112 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia dobeana JO135 25s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Lobivia dobeana JO135 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia jo 136 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia chrysantha 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia hybrid, krasne kvety 25s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia horrida KK1993 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia hertrichiana typ 5s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia haematantha LF62 20s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Lobivia haemantha 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia haagei 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia haageana 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia glauca 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia ferox v. aurea 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia ferox LH634 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Lobivia ferox 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Lobivia famatimensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia ducis-pauli (trny!!!) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Lobivia driveriana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Lobivia aurea v. falax 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii 10s/22
Out of stock
22.00 REC
Lophophora fricii Viesca 10s/36
Out of stock
36.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii VM 210 Las Tablas, SLP 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii JBo La Soledad 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora fricii JJH 9602115 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 761 Sabana Grande, Zac 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 388 Tecolotes, Zac 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 310 La Paloma 91 km, road 57, Coa 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 302 Tanque Menchaca, Parras, Coa 10s/88
Out of stock
88.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii JJH 000812 R�o Pecos? 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii texana (origin Koehres) 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii Encarnacion, SLP (origin Koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora diffusa direction Victoria (origin Koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora fricii VM 256 Viesca, Coa., 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii VM 720 Miguel Hidalgo, Tam 10s/118
Out of stock
118.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii Mazapil (origin Koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora fricii VM 680 El Amparo, Coa, 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora diffusa VM 602 Vizarron 89 km road 120, Qer. 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii VM 212 Morita, SLP 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 379 W of San Ignacio Texas, NL 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora fricii KS 198 Viesca, 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora fricii VM 521 La Pe, Coa, 10s/118
Out of stock
118.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 398 Saltillo to Monclova, Coa 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 322 El Zoro, NL 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 540 Mina, NL 10s/88
Out of stock
88.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii La Paloma (origin Koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii f. Huizache vyber 10s/70
Out of stock
70.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 534 El Oso, Coa 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 402 Higueras, n slopes 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii SB 854 Starr Co. Tx 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii till fricii INTERMEDIATE new SOUTH FORM/ /VZD 020 Ejido La Soledad-La Trinidad,Nuevo Leon 100s/140
Out of stock
140.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii new NORTH-WEST FORM/ /VZD 040 Clavellinas border area betweenmexican states SLP,ZACATECAS and Coah. 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii NEW NORTH-WEST FORMVZD 35 San Vincente KM 30,SLP 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
LOPHOPHORA williamsii MH 103 Juan Perez/before Estanque Menchaca/, Coahuila 10s/45
Out of stock
45.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii SPECIAL FORM/ /VCA072 Las Coloradas,Coah. 10s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
LOPHOPHORA williamsii KKR 382 Ejido La Soledad to La Trinidad, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 20s/80
Out of stock
80.00 REC
LOPHOPHORA alberto-vojtechii 20s/315
Out of stock
315.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii 20s/20
In stock
20.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii f. Arteaga 10s/30
In stock
30.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii v. texana 10s/30
In stock
30.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii VM 755 Tula, Tam 10s/118
Out of stock
118.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii JJH 8608293 R�o Pecos 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora diffusa ssp. fricii f. nova New,new different south population/coll. K. Kracik Ejido La Soledad,Nuevo Leon 10s/166
Out of stock
166.00 REC
Lophophora kohresii PN 19 Miguel Hidalgo, Tam 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii Paila (origin koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 125 Cuatrocienegas 2, Coa 10s/96
Out of stock
96.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii VM 102 La Mesa, SLP 10s/72
Out of stock
72.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii San Antonio de Castillo (origin koehres) 10s/64
Out of stock
64.00 REC
Lophophora viridescens TYPE FORM New,origin collect Heinz Swoboda/Heinz Swoboda San Bartolo,SLP 10s/136
Out of stock
136.00 REC
Lophophora diffusa form New,origin material Jan Riha/Jan Riha Rio Blanco,Queretaro 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Lophophora diffusa form,origin material Rudolf Grym/GR1132 Vizarron,Queretaro 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Loph. diffusa ssp. fricii form New,similar to population RS 404 near Viesca/ORPR3293 near Viesca,Coahuila 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Lophora williamsii special f. NEW 2005 year/markedly exserted tubercles,till blue epidermis/VCA072 Las Coloradas,Coahuila 10s/166
Out of stock
166.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii Cedros Zac. (origin Grym) 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Lophophora williamsii v. decipiens 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Mammillaria microcarpa v. auricarpa 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria insularis L022 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria karwinskiana Mitla, OAX, Mex. 10s/11
Out of stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria hutchisoniana SB1243 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria hutchisoniana (velkokveta!) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria hujapensis REP 858 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria hemisphaerica 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria hemisphaerica 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria hahniana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria hahniana v. albiflora 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria hahniana v. giselana 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria gueldemanniana REP1588 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria gaumeri 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria insularis L 022 30s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria insularis (velkokveta!) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria lanata 15s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria microcarpa 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria matudae v. multispina 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria mazatlanensis 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria mathildae (nenarocna!) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria mainae 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria magnifica v. minor 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria magnimamma BH82 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria louisae SB1899 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria luise 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria magnifica 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria lenta 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria lewisiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria geminispina 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria eschanzieri 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bocasana v. rubriflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bocasana v. multilanata (bile huste jemne trny) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bocasana (oblibene, nenarocne!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bella 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria albilanata 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria blosfeldiana Z143 10s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria angularis form/long central spines likem.centricirrha/KMR13 San Bartolo, SLP 100s/30
In stock
30.00 REC
Mammillaria longimamma form/Dolichothele,large tubercles,yellow flower/FH 90 Los Venados,Hidalgo 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria uncinata form/yellow white cream flower/BH 12 Pa-chuca,Hidalgo 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Mammillaria louisae SB1899 25s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
MAMMILLARIA centricirrha f. KS 017 Tecamachalco,Puebla 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Mammilaria compressa f. rioverdensis CH 444 A S of Rio Verde,SLP 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Mammillaria bocasana v. roseiflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bombycina 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria boolii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria ernestii 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria ernestii v. albispina 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria compresa f. rioverdensis MZ579 20s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria centraliplumosa 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria celsiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria capensis 20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Mammillaria candida SB466 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria candida 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria candida (snehobila) 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria brauneana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria bucareliensis 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria bullardiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammilaria glassii f. rayonensis/very long hairy white spines/MK 89. 324 Galeana-Rayones,Nuevo Leon10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Mammillaria microcarpha 15s/8Kc SB518
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria cadaraytense 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria duwei 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria zacatecasensis CSD285 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Mammillaria zacatecasensis 10s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria ycataensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria wrightii DC598 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria wrightii 12s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria sp.* Isla Cerralvo, BCS, Mex. 10s/18
In stock
18.00 REC
Mammillaria sp. VM474 N Mezquital Zac. 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria sonorensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria sp. Canyon Grande 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria silvatii REP1603 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria sinalensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria durangicola REP545 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria duoformis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria dumetorum 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria spinossissima 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria spinosissima REP91 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria supertiformis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria swinglei 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria mixture/smes nejhezcich druhu 25s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria spinosissima 20s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Mammillaria rekoi REP941 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria/Mammilloydia candida 10s/11
Out of stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria xochipili REPP1709 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria discolor REP1100 v. longispina 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria dixantrocentrom 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Mammillaria donatii REP882 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria sobei 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria saxicola REP 1139 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria goodridgerii (snadno kvete!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria grusonii 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria parkinsonii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria ortiz-rubiona 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria nejapensis 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria nana f. L1091 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria nana (miniaturka!) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mammillaria multilanata 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria michaocanensis 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria michoacanensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria microcarpha v. auricarpha 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria microheliopsis 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria glochidiata CH404 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria pennispinosa (krasna miniatura!) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria perbela 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria sasseriana 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria ritteriana CSD065 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mammillaria santaclarensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria rekoi v. aureispina 20s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria rekoi v. aureispina LAU 1055 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Mammillaria recoi 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria recoi v. pseudorecoi 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mammillaria pseudoperbella 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria pitcayensis 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mammillaria poselgeri* El Cajete, BCS, Mex. 10s/11
Out of stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria poselgeri* La Paz, BCS, Mex. 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria poselgeri* Soth-East of La Paz, BCS, Mex. 10s/11
In stock
11.00 REC
Mammillaria microcarpa v. grahamii 12s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Marginatocereus marginatus 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Matucana caespitosa 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Matucana huagalensis (Borzicactus) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum albiflora 10s/32
In stock
32.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum v. albiflora 20s/25
In stock
25.00 REC
Matucana paucicostata 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Matucana yarucolor 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Matucana weberbauerii 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum v. albiflora 20s/48
In stock
48.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum 20s/16
In stock
16.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum 10s/9
In stock
9.00 REC
Matucana krahnii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Matucana intertexta 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Matucana madisoniorum v. pujupattii 20s/25
In stock
25.00 REC
Matucana calliantha 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Matucana aureiflora 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mediolobivia haagei R35 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia steinmannii v. brachyantha 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia steinmannii v. cincinnata L-422A 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia violascens 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia violascens FR352 20s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Mediolobivia gracilis FR1118 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia haagei 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia enanthema 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mediolobivia eucalyptana 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia cincinnata 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia diersiana 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia diersiana WR631 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia elegans 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia aureiflora 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia brachyacantha 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia brunescens 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia atrovirens 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia steinmannii v cincinnata WR300 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia sp. Pazua puv. imp. SPI 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia hoffneriana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mediolobivia nidulans 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia orurensis FR339 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia pectinata v. orurensis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia pygmaea 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia pygmaea LF51 (z imp. Fischer Horice) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia pygmaea v. escaiachensis R335B 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mediolobivia pygmaea v. orurensis (puv. imp. Kozelsky) 20s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia ritteri 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia ritteri FR1123 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia rosalbiflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia rosalbiflora FR1115 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia ruberrima AVF38 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Mediolobivia rubriflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia rutiliflora 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Mediolobivia rutiliflora FR1113a 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Mediolobivia haagei LF49 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus amotrophus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus salvadorensis 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus oreas 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus obtusipetalus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus neryi v. conicus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus multiceps 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus neglectus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus megalocanthus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus matanzanus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus robustispinus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus uebelmannianus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus bahiensis 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus brederoanus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus conoideus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus depresus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus ernestii 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus erythracanthus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus erythrocephalus 15s/8
Out of stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus guitarti 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Melocactus jansensianus 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Myrtillocactus schenckii Mitla, OAX, Mexico 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Neochilenia multicolor 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Neolloydia conoidea f. PM 52/144 Bernal,Queretaro 10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Neoporteria castanea 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Neoporteria senilis ssp.coimasensis form/extra strong curved spines/KP726 Highway Putuaendo City 793m, East Region de Valparaiso, Chile 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Neoporteria senilis ssp.coimasensis form/extra strong curved spines/KP765 Highway Samo Alto-Pichasca 636m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Neoporteria senilis ssp.coimasensis form/extra strong curved spines/KP928 Highway Cabildo-San Lorenzo right side-beggining hill up dump 247m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Neoporteria species NOVA PROBABLY, NICE EXCLUSIVE BLACK LONG VERY CURVED SPINES KBC959 Chincholco near Puente Los Olmos 691m,border area with Arg.,dpt.Valparaiso,Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Neoporteria species NOVA PROBABLY, NICE EXCLUSIVE BLACK LONG VERY CURVED SPINES KBC978 Pedernalmountain village,border area with Arg. 773m,dpt.Valparaiso,Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Neoporteria sp. Farrelones 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Neoporteria senilis 15s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Neoporteria rapifera 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Neoporteria nigrihorrida 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Neoporteria multicolor 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Neoporteria mamillarioides (snadno kvete!) 20s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Neoporteria gerocephala 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Neoporteria gerocephala 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Neoporteria crassispina 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Neoporteria clayata 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Neoporteria cephalophora 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Neoporteria senilis ssp.coimasensis form/extra strong curved spines/KP717 off road Sierra Putuaendo near small private house 726m, East Region de Valparaiso, Chile 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Notocactus piriapolensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rutilans v. longispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus scopa MR98 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus scopa f. gama 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. albispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. candicans 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. cobrensis puv. Schaffer 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. deneckerii 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. murrielli 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus sellovii (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus securituberculatus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus setispinus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus scopa 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rutilans storianus 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus purpureus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ritterianus HU328 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ritterianus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ritterianus HU807 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rivera KZ123 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus roseoluteus Flora Rosada 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus roseoluteus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rubricostatus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rudibuenekerii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rutilans 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus rutilans Meregalii 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus sessilifloris v. debilispinus (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus sessilifloris (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus schlosserii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. WRA67 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus scopa v. danekerianus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus (krasny, nenarocny) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus f. oranzovy kvet! 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus KK121 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus Los Fones 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus Paso del Toros KZ148 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus, Tanti, Cordoba 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus v. hyrcinus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus sucineus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus sucineus v. albispinus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. vhodny pro zacatecniky 25s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus spec. WRA39 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. BORN227 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. Kohres 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. PR235 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. Ruta 109 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. S213 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. SCHL169 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. Thorson 438 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. Thorson 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. Tolomban 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. U413 OR 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus spec. WRA48 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus supermixture / smes nejkrasnejsich druhu 32s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus f. mix white,red and violet flower JO 296 Sierra de Ancasti,p. Catamarca,Argentina10s/46
In stock
46.00 REC
Notocactus apricus v. flavispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus apricus v. grandis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus arapamensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai 12s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai Stensia Katon 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai v. alacriportanus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai v. aureus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai v. limiticolus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus arechavaletai v. maldonadensis 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus blauvianus f. enurmis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus bommeljei 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus apricus v. brunispinus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus apricus v. aureus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis f. Panarotto material from Panarotto garden 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Notocactus roseoluteus form/beautiful flower/Paolo Panarotto Panarotto garden 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
NOTOCACTUS submammulosus NICE SPINED FORM CH 1018 Molinari to Canada Coro alt. 883 m, Olaen, p. Cordoba, Argentina 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Notocactus submammulosus form/strong central spines/BKN94D W of Las Talas I.987m,p.Cord.,Arg. 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
NOTOCACTUS submammulosus MAYOR NICE ROBUST 25 CM TILL 30 CM DIAMETER STEM SPECIAL NICE FORM /KFF 1193 Cuesta Cura Brochero RUTA 15 / in left side hills up dump, plants growing to top hills in moss / alt. 736 m, p. Cordoba, Argentina 10s/25
In stock
25.00 REC
Notocactus agnetae 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus acutus 15s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus agnetae v. aureispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus apricus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus alamoensis PR235 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus apricus KK159 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus brasiliensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus brederoanus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus brasiliensis v. meldianus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus concinus v. nigrispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus crassigibus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus durispinus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus nigrispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus notabilis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis PR256 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. vencluianus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus paucicostatus (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus pauciareolatus (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus paraquaiensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus pampeanus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus concinus v. gerbolitoensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus concinus v. eremiticus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus buiningii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus caespitosus WRA11 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus calianthus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus claviceps 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus conc. v. velthusianus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus concinnoides 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus concinnus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus concinnus v. joadii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus concinnus v. parviflorus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus concinus v. apricus 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus concinus v. elegans 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis WRA55 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis (velmi hezky, snadno krasne kvete!) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus linkii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus hasselbergii v. stellatus (Brasilicactus) 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus graessneri (Brasilicactus) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus globularis 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus glaucinus v. gracilis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus gibberulus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus fricii (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus floricomus v. velenovskyi 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus floricomus v. spinosissimus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus floricomus v. flavispinus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus floricomus Kohres 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus floricomus (krasny, nenarocny, snadno kvete!) 20s/5
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus herteri 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus herteri WRA120 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus leninghausii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus langsdorfii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus laetivirens HU58 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus laetivirens 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus laetivirens 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus kovarikii (Malacocarpus) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ibicuiensis HU499 (puv. Palmengarten) 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ibicuensis f. Estancia Nova 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus hostii v. purpureus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus horstii 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus herterii f. purpureus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ferrugineus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus eurypleurus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus eugeniae 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. guidensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. globularis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. caespitosus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis prolif. paucispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis HU38 rufispinus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis HU35 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis DV79/13/68 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis Cero Largo 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis AH59 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis (oblibeny, nenarocny, snadno kvete!) 20s/4
In stock
4.00 REC
Notocactus notabilis Schlosser 213 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. janousekianus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. militaris 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus erinaceus f. acuatus (Mal. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus elegans 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. uruguayus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. tortuosus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. tenuispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. schuldtii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. piriapolisensis WRA2 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. paraguayensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. pantonensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. oxycostatus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. mistiensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus notabilis S218 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis sp. Tolomban 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis v. nigrispinus 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis v. brevispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus ottonis v. vargasensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus multicostatus HU100 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus multicostatus HU100 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus multicostatus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus multicostatus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus muglianus CSS775 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus muglianus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus mueller-moelleri 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Notocactus mueller-melchersii v. gracilispinus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis v. splendens 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis, 40km SZ od Piriapolis, Uruguay 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus tabularis HU419 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus werdermannianus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus warasii HU426 (Erio. ) 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus warasii 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus vorwerkianus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus veerbekianus 10s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus vanvlietii 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus uebelmannianus v. flaviflorus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus uebelmannianus 20s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus U413 OR 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus tephracanthus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus muegelianus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus mixture/smes nejhezcich druhu 25s/7
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7.00 REC
Notocactus militaris 15s/5
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5.00 REC
Notocactus mammulosus v. arapayensis 20s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus pamp. longispinus 10s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus L10 15s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus KK121 15s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus FS362 10s/7
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus DV74/2 15s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus DV74/2 20s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus Cocha Nera 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Notocactus mammulosus 20s/5
In stock
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Notocactus magnificus 20s/5
In stock
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Notocactus macracanthus 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus mammulosus v. arapayensis PR84 20s/6
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus v. brasiliensis 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Notocactus megapotamicus sp. Itapoa 15s/5
In stock
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Notocactus megalanthus 10s/7
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Notocactus masollorensis 10s/7
In stock
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Notocactus mariatus 20s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus v. rubrispinus 15s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus v. paucicostatus 15s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus v. nigrispinus 15s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus v. multiflorus 15s/5
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Notocactus mammulosus v. gracilispinus 15s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus v. gracilior 20s/5
In stock
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Notocactus mammulosus v. curtinensis 10s/7
In stock
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Notocactus linkii v. buenekeri 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Obregonia denegrii (mexicka rarita) 10s/16
In stock
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Obregonia denegrii San Vincent 10s/16
In stock
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Opuntia sp. cerveny plod, bez glochidii Spanelsko 10s/20
In stock
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Opuntia sp. velke jedle plody 10s/20
In stock
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Opuntia sp. jedle plody Italie 10s/20
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Opuntia phaeacantha 100 procentne zimovzdorna 10s/20
In stock
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Opuntia ficus-indica IS 10s/20
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Opuntia aff. ficus-indica 10s/20
In stock
20.00 REC
Oreocereus celsianus v.fossulatus form/long hairy spines/LH 523 Potosi,dpt.Potosi,Bolivia 100s/30
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30.00 REC
Parodia maassii/long robust hooked spines/WS 012 La Quiaca 3500 m,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maxima form/extra long central spines,extremely robust stem/LH 650 Cieneguillas 3000m,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 10s/15
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15.00 REC
PARODIA chrysacanthion NICE TYPICAL FORM CH 1186 El Volcan alt. 2129 m, p. Jujuy, Argentina 10s/20
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15.00 REC
Parodia maasii form/10-15 cm spines,winter rasintant taxon/LH 507 Villazon,dpt.Potosi,Bolivia 10s/15
In stock
15.00 REC
Parodia maasii form/10-15 cm spines,winter rasintant taxon/LH 632 N of Tupiza km 60,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Parodia aureispina 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia aureicentra 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia atroviridis 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia backebergiana 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia campestrae 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia buiningiana 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia cardenasii 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia comosa 20s/10Kc
In stock
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Parodia comarapana 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia erubescens 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia comutans 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia gracilis 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia maasii-maxima INTERMEDIATE FORM/extra long central spines/LH 502 Atocha,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Parodia maasii form/till 10-15 cm spines,bright blue epidermis/LH 593 N of Potosi km 55,dpt.Potosi,Bolivia 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Parodia maxima f. LH 656 Parokia-Rio Toraja Puno 2750 m,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 635 N of Tupiza km 115,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 585 Tupiza direct to Tarija,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 593 N of Potosi km 55,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 507 Villazon,dpt.Potosi,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii/long robust hooked spines/WS 015 Tafna 3200 m,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Parodia maxima f. LH 650 Cieneguillas 3000 m,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 586 N of Potosi,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
P. maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 586 N of Potosi,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 507 Villazon,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 502 Atocha,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 585 Tupiza direct to Tarija,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Parodia maassii f. 10-15 cm spines LH 502 Atocha,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
PARODIA maassii f. 15 cm spines WS 012 La Quiaca,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Parodia species/SUPER hard long black central spines/KP244 SE of San Rafael 1688m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Parodia maasii form/till 10-15 cm central curved spines/LH 585 Tupiza direct to Tarija,dpt.Tarija,Bolivia 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Parodia higueritas 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia chrysacantha 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia schutziana 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia setosiflora 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia sp. AVF 20s/10
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Parodia sp. de Jujuy 20s/10
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Parodia sp. B58 20s/10
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Parodia sp. Lau926 20s/10
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Parodia sp. KK636 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia sp. Haude 103 20s/10
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Parodia roseoalba 20s/10
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Parodia subterranea 20s/10
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Parodia tilcarensis 20s/10
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Parodia sulphurea 20s/10
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Parodia tuberculosicostata 20s/10
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Parodia tredecimcostata 20s/10
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Parodia weberiana 20s/10
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Parodia werdermanniana 20s/10
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Parodia saint-pieana 20s/10
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Parodia rigidispina 20s/10
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Parodia kozelskyana 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia laui 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia maassii 20s/10
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10.00 REC
Parodia microsperma 20s/5
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5.00 REC
Parodia microsperma PV1999 NE Cafayete 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia microsperma v rigidissima zlute kv. pod 1000m Alto del Portozuelo 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia microsperma v. rigidissima red flowers, Alto del Portezuelo over 1000m 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia microsperma v. rigidissima cerv. kv. Nad 1000m Alto del Portozuelo 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia multicostata 20s/10
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10.00 REC
Parodia mixture/smes nejkrasnejsich 30s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Parodia nivosa 20s/10
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Parodia nigricentra 20s/10
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Parodia mutabilis 20s/10
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Parodia procera 20s/10
In stock
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Parodia punae 20s/10
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Parodia rauschii 20s/10Kc
In stock
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Parodia zecherii v. elachista 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Pfeiffera ianthothele form/ ,very decorative flower/JO 1067. 01 Rio Guayamba,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/76
In stock
76.00 REC
Pseudolobivia ducis-paulii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus curvispinus PV2061, Quilimari 20s/10Kc
In stock
10.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave form/snowwhite curved hard spines,growing with R. einstainii/JB 64 Nevados de Acay 4000 m,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/17Kc
Out of stock
17.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus eriosyzioides DOMEYKOENSIS FORM/heavy dark spines,news /PHA 626 Alto del Carmen 1267m,Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus bulbocalyx LOS COLORADOS LA RIOJA AREA ROBUST NICE MOSTLY DARK SPINED FORM/ PSCA 1 B Los Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
PYRRHOCACTUS bulbocalyx ROBUST NICE SPINED FORM /KFF 1250 Villa Mazan / Aimogasta to Villa Mazan RUTA 60 cca 15 KM, cruce behind Villa Mazan to Chumbicha other road, cca 4 KM to first plants / alt. 600 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 10s/25 Kc
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave var. marayesensis Backeb. Descr. Cact. Nov. 3: 13. 1963 PSCA 53 26 KM North-West of Marayes alt. 850 m,road to Las Chacras,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave ROBUST FORM/new area,exclusive hard cream dark spines/PEM516 Abra Blanca,p.Jujuy,Arg. 10s/22
Out of stock
22.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus straussianus new FORM/central till hooked spines, apricot flower/BKN18A NE of El Parral 1184m,p.Mendoza,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave form/snowwhite curved hard spines,growing with Rebutia einsteinii/JB 64 Nevados de Acay 4000m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/22
Out of stock
22.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus taltalensis EXCLUSIVE LONG CURVED BROWN TILL GOLD SPINED FORM KBC939 Entry on riverbed Quebrada San Ramon 93m,dpt.Antofagasta,Chile 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus species/extremely hard yellow black spines,high stem till 1m,red flower/BKN28A/1.1 E of La Cienaga left rockies 1123m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus species SPINES ALIKE Echinocereus LINDSAYI/extremely hard curved yellow black spines,high stem till 1m,red flower/BKN28A/1.2 E of La Cienaga right hill 1130m,p.San Juan,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus species NOVA/extremely spines alike Echinocereus lindsayi,very robust stem/PEM64 Wiew point Elmirador 1125m,p.San Juan-La Rioja,Arg. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus species NOVA LONG ROBUST STEMmOSTLY SIMILAR TO Genus Islaya KP785 off road Puentemarqueza 288m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave form/ ,new area,silvery grey spines/JO 1095. 01 Salinas Grandes,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus aconcaguensis 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus balbalensis 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus bulbocalyx 10s/10Kc
In stock
10.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus subikii 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus taltalensis 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave PV2010, PTA Tastil, QDA de Toro 20s/10Kc
In stock
10.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus strausianus 15s/8Kc
In stock
8.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus spec. Chanaral 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus sp. Farrelones 15s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus saxifragus 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus recondiatus 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus reconditus 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus pillispinus 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus paucicostatus 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus echinus 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus dimorphus 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus cachytaensis 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Pyrrhocactus umadeave form/snowwhite curved hard spines,growing with R. einstainii/JB 64 Nevados de Acay 4000 m,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Rebutia einsteinii v. gonjianii/new,robust salmon flower/original M. Winberg MN 171 A Iturbe 3700-3800 m,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/76
Out of stock
76.00 REC
Rebutia lutea-rosea 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia lilacinorosea 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia marsoneri 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia minuscula 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia narvasensis 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia muscula 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia mudanensis RG89 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia orurensis KK637 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia perplexa 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia peruviana 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia pseudominuscula 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia pygmaea 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia pygmaea v. haagei 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia pygmaea v. elegans 10s/7Kc
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia robustispina 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia robustispina Rauch 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia krainziana 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia krainziana oranzove kvety. 15s/6Kc
In stock
6.00 REC
Rebutia einsteinii form/ ,origin collect material Vaclav Seda,Vysoke Myto/SE 51 Arroyo Inca Huasi 3680 m,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Rebutia einsteinii form/news ,origin collect Vaclav Seda,Vysokemyto/SE 51 Arroyo Inca Huasi 3680m,p.Salta,Arg. 10s/20 Kc
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Rebutia cajasensis 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia buiningii 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia carminea 10s/8Kc
In stock
8.00 REC
Rebutia densispina 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia eos 333 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia flavistyla FR756 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia grandiflora 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia gracilis 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia horstii 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia chrysacantha 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia jujuiana 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia kesselringiana (zlute kvety) 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia kariusiana 20s/6Kc
In stock
6.00 REC
Rebutia krainziana yellow fl. / zlute kvety 10s/7Kc
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia roseoalba FR2115 15s/5Kc
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia senilis 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia salmonea 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia vallegrandensis 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia violaciflora v. knuthiana 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia violaciflora 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia wessneriana 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia xanthocarpa v. coerulescens 16s/5Kc
Out of stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia xanthocarpa 50s/6Kc
In stock
6.00 REC
Rebuita albiareolata 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia alba 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia albiareolata 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia albata 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia albiflora 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia albiareolata FR761 10s/7Kc
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia albipilosa 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia aureicentra 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia blossfeldii 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia aureispina KK843 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia vaterii 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia succaflor 925 10s/7Kc
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia senilis cerveny kvet 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia senilis v. lilacinorosea 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia senilis v. kesselringiana zluty kvet 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia senilis v. iseliniana 10s/6Kc
In stock
6.00 REC
Rebutia senilis v. hyalacantha 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia schileana 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia senilis v. schieliana 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia sp. KK845 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Rebutia sp. Cardenas 15s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia sp. buining 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Rebutia sp. Winter 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia sp. Watterii 20s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia sp. watter 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia steinmanii NEW FORM/new second population up village,origin collect Vaclav Jakubec/VJ 3 B Yunchara village alt. 3582m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 100s/25Kc
In stock
25.00 REC
Rebutia steinmanii NEW FORM/new second population up village,origin collect Vaclav Jakubec/VJ 3 B Yunchara village alt. 3582m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 1000s/150Kc
In stock
150.00 REC
Rebutia steinmanii NEW FORM/new second population up village,origin collect Vaclav Jakubec/VJ 3 B Yunchara village alt. 3582m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/5Kc
In stock
5.00 REC
Rebutia boliviensis 10s/7Kc
In stock
7.00 REC
Sclerocactus warnockii Big Band Tx. (silver) 10s/32
In stock
32.00 REC
SOEHRENSIA formosa v. ROSARIOANA NOMEN PROVISORIUM SMALL FLAT COMPACT MOUNTAIN TAXON /KFF 1322 Cerro El Pelado / Los Corrales over Rio Blanco to cruce La Mexicana, cca 5 KM behind cruce in right off road / alt. 2387 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Soehrensia bruchii NIVALIS AUREISPINA FORM/very robust stem,till 20 cm long yellow central spines/BKN39C/1.2 SE of Amaicha del Valle I.other side hill,2930m, p.Tuc.,Arg. 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X ochoterenaus f. centrispinus TOP NEW 2005 year/ABS new,only white flower/VCA101 Santa Gertrudis,Zacatecas 10s/166
In stock
166.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X lloydii X multicostatus VZD 162 El Pocito,SLP 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Stenocactus phyllacanthus v. tricuspidatus form/black flat central spines,yellow flower/CH 228 S. L. P. City,SLP 10s/58
Out of stock
58.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. /fantastic long yellow papery flat spines/KMR10A NW of El Puente,SLP 10s/52
Out of stock
52.00 REC
Stenocactus ochoterenaus LONG GLASSY SPINED FORM/till 10 cm central spines/CH 603 A Laguna Pressa Blanca,Zacatecas 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis x lloydii x multicostatus multiintermediade,extremely long yellow-brown spines VZD 167 Clavellinas,SLP 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. fantastic papery twisted spines CH 193 Aramberri,Nuevo Leon 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Stenocactus ochoterenaus LONG GLASSY SPINED FORM/till 10 cm central spines/coll. J. Odehnal Sombrerette,Zacatecas 10s/31
Out of stock
31.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X lloydii X multicostatus MULTIINTERMEDIATE NATURE FORM/news,red-violet flower/MK 89. 316 San Juan del Mimbres,Nuevo Leon10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Stenocactus species long spines LAU 1377 W of Ciudad Victoria,Tamaulipas10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. fantastic papery twisted spines coll. I. Drab San Francisco-Tanquecillos,Nuevo Leon 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis EXTRA CURVED LONG SPINED FORM/till 20 cm flat papery spines/coll. J. SniceRCerro El Potosi 1800-2400 m,Nuevo Leon10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Stenocactus crispatus f. gladiatus /news,extremely strong flat spines/ PAR132 Tecozautla Valley,Hidalgo 10s/121
Out of stock
121.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. fantastic yellow papery spines JS 36 La Joya,Nuevo Leon 10s/61
Out of stock
61.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. /fantastic long yellow papery flat spines/SB 1365 Matehuala,SLP10s/46
Out of stock
46.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X ochoterenaus f. centrispinus TOP NEW 2005 year/till 30 cm central spines/VCA105 Las Trojes,Guanajuato 10s/136
Out of stock
136.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X ochoterenaus f. centrispinus TOP NEW 2005 year/new,extremely beautiful flower/VCA097 La Capilla,Zacatecas 10s/136
In stock
136.00 REC
Stenocactus anfractuosus aff. /strongly central spines/RS 21/97 Ixmiquilpan,Hidalgo10s/46
In stock
46.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis X lloydii X multicostatus SniceRMunicipio Galeana,Nuevo Leon10s/46
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46.00 REC
Stenocactus multicostatus f. nova TOP NEW 2005 year/robust red-violet flower,new locality/VCA084 San Miguel,Coahuila 10s/91
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91.00 REC
Stenocactus ochoterenaus-centrispinus intermediade NEW 2005 year/long brownish central spines/VCA067 Las Trojes,Zacatecas 10s/106
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106.00 REC
Stenocactus zacatecasensis f. fantastic papery twisted spines SB 286 DoctoRArroyo,Nuevo Leon 10s/46
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46.00 REC
Stenocactus heteracanthus 15s/5
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5.00 REC
Stenocactus kellerianus 15s/5
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Stenocactus intertextus 15s/5
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Stenocactus obvalatus 15s/5
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Stenocactus ochoterenaus 15s/5
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Stenocactus sp. SB438 15s/5
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Stenocactus sp. SB1365 15s/5
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Stenocactus sp. Charco Blanco 15s/5
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Stenocactus coptonogonus 10s/7
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Stenocactus anfractuosus 15s/7
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Stenocactus albatus 15s/7
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STENOCACTUS Albatus NICE SPINED FORM /IDD 560 Route MX 57 towards Matehuala,about 7 km before KM 37,San Luis Potosi,Mexico 20s/20
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20.00 REC
Stenocactus pentacanthus f. very long central spines coll. J. Riha Santa Aleira,Tamaulipas 10s/61
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61.00 REC
STENOCACTUS zacatecasensis ORIGIN OLD AUTHENTIC TYPE FORM/ coll. I. DRAB San Francisco to Tanquecillos,Nuevo Leon,Mexico 20s/15
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15.00 REC
STENOCACTUS multicostatus MORE TILL 70 RIBS NICE SPECIAL FORM /VZD 162 El Pocito,San Luis Potosi,Mexico 20s/15
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15.00 REC
STENOCACTUS crispatus NICE GLADIATE SPINED FORM /RS 672 (RS 24/97) Charco Blanco,San Luis Potosi,Mexico 20s/15
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15.00 REC
Stenocactus acroacanthus 15s/7
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7.00 REC
Stenocactus adversispinus 15s/7
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Stenocactus violaciflorus 10s/7
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Strombocactus disciformis v. minimus 10s/12
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Strombocactus disciformis v. jarmilae VM207k Vizarron severne Qer. 10s/12
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Strombocactus disciformis (mexicka rarita!) 20s/6
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6.00 REC
Sulcorebutia polymorpha 20s/12
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12.00 REC
Sulcorebutia mentosa ssp. purpurea form/nice red till violet large flower,origin material Ladislav Horacek,Piskova Lhota/LH 707 Aiqui-le/near/dpt. Cochabamba,Bolivia/10s/15
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15.00 REC
Sulcorebutia alba 10s/20
In stock
20.00 REC
Sulcorebutia markusii 10s/10
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10.00 REC
Sulcorebutia menensis 10s/8
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Sulcorebutia glomerispina 10s/8
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Sulcorebutia menesesii 10s/10
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Sulcorebutia losenickyana Kohres 10s/20
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Sulcorebutia sp. Lau 974 10s/10
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Sulcorebutia sp. FR751.1 10s/8
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Sulcorebutia krahnii 10s/10
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Sulcorebutia EOS333 10s/12
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Sulcorebutia albida 10s/15
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Sulcorebutia totorensis RV 10s/20
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Sulcorebutia swobodae 10s/10
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Sulcorebutia swobodae Cuesto Aiquize 10s/20
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Sulcorebutia steinbachii Sucre-Ravelo 10s/20
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Sulcorebutia candiae 10s/10
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Sulcorebutia mizquensis/ORIGIN TYP W. RAUSCH/Ernst Markus origin R194 Mizque 2600 m,dpt. Cochabamba,Bolivia 10s/121
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121.00 REC
Tephrocactus fiambalensis nom. provis. ZJ f. KP 87 Thermas Fiambalÿ-Cerro Morado,E of Fiambalÿ km 8,1860 m10s/22
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22.00 REC
Tephrocactus darwinii v. hickenii f. BKN 7B N of Neuqu?n-Las Balderas II . /km 5,260 m,Neuqu?n 10s/76
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76.00 REC
Tephrocactus darwinii var. hickenii/long central reddish spines/WS 022 Las Bardas 300 m,p. Neuqu?n,Argentina 10s/76
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76.00 REC
Tephrocactus fiambalensis nom. provis. ZJ f. KP 79 SW of Fiambal˙/over riverbed I . /,2000 m,Catamarca10s/46
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46.00 REC
Tephrocactus aoracanthus/globose stems,very long black spines/KP 382 Los Berros 930 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/61
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61.00 REC
Tephrocactus aoracanthus f. till 10 cm long central brown spines,white-pink flower BKN 22A SW of Ulln,842 m,San Juan10s/22
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22.00 REC
Tephrocactus fiambalensis nom. provis. ZJ f. KP 79 SW of Fiambalÿ/over riverbed I . /,2000 m,Catamarca10s/22
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22.00 REC
Tephrocactus aoracanthus/globose stems,very long black spines/KP 382 Los Berros 930 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/27
Out of stock
27.00 REC
Tephrocactus fiambalensis nom. provis. ZJ f. KP 87A Thermas Fiambalÿ-Cerro Morado I. ,SE of Fiambalÿ km 13,1825 m10s/22
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22.00 REC
TEPHROCACTUS geometricus SSP. PUNOIDES NOMEN PROVISORIUM NEW SUBSPECIES /KFF 1234 Estancia La Quebrada de Las Angosturas / in right side large red violet coloured rock hills / alt. 2692 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 10s/55
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55.00 REC
TEPHROCACTUS geometricus TYPICAL ROBUSTLY CLUSTERING FLAT STEM VIOLET CHOCOLATE BODY NICE FORM /KFF 1229 West Fiambala I. / Fiambala to Passo de San Francisco, left side riverbed up puente / alt. 1990 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 10s/35
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35.00 REC
TEPHROCACTUS MOLINENSIS LA ANGOSTURA SALTA AREA MOST-LY YELLOW TILL DARK ORANGE NICE SPINED FORM /KFF 1306 La Angostura / right and also left side growing from plains into top rock hills / alt. 1975 m, p. Salta, Argentina 10s/35
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35.00 REC
TEPHROCACTUS MOLINENSIS LA ANGOSTURA SALTA AREA MOSTLY YELLOW TILL DARK ORANGE NICE SPINED FORM /KFF 1306 La Angostura / right and also left side growing from plains into top rock hills / alt. 1975 m, p. Salta, Argentina 10s/35
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35.00 REC
Tephrocactus berterii MOUNTAIN EXTRA SPINED F. KP 743 Sierra Salamanca mountain off road 615 m, East Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/100
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100.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos v. argenteus SB311 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bolaensis ROBUSTIOR FORM News 2006 year,KMR 285 Ej. Emiliano Zapata,Coahuila 100s/78
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78.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bolaensis typform white and red coloured sp. KMR 279 Cerro Bola first hill ,Coahuila 100s/38
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38.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor form very compact form with long red spines KMR538 Entronque La Encantada,Coahuila 100s/78
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78.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. wagnerianus form News,many coloured spines KMR602 El Hundido km3 into MTS. ,Coahuila 100s/78
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78.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. wagnerianus form robust stem,red-colour sp. KMR 290 Highway Torreon-Saltillo,Coahuila 100s/58
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58.00 REC
THELOCACTUS conothelos var.macdowellii (central spines till 50 mm long,white glassy to greyish,flowers till 80 mm wide,magenta) KS 29 Arteaga,Coahuila,Mexico 60s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos ssp.macdowelii v.SNICERII TYPE/caespitosae stem,spines white cream,brown rarely black,JS,Higueras,Nuevo Leon 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos form/very robust form,compact stem/MK 88.320 Tula,Tamaulipas 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos form/tall stem till 80 cm hight/RS 51/97 Bustamante,Tamaulipas 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp.schottii form/origin new material,long yellow flat central spines/VCA002 Lajitas,Hudspeth County ,Texas,USA 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp.schotii form/long papery central spines,nice best flower/JJH 990468 Brewster Co.,Texas,USA 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp. bolaensis ROBUSTIOR FORM News 2006 year,KMR 411 Entronque La Rosa,Coahuila 100s/78
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78.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis OLD TYPE THELOCACTUS LOPHOTHELE identic place alike LAU, yellow flower LH77 Huasteca canyon-La Rinconada,Coahuila 100s/38
Out of stock
38.00 REC
Thelocactus leucacanthus ssp. schmolii OLD KRAINZIANUS FORM KMR 148 Vizarron-rd. Entronque Peåamiller before branch km100,Queretaro 100s/78
Out of stock
78.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos v. argenteus JABO314 SW. ,Ascension,N. L. long ivor. sp. 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus SB291 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos yellow flowers 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. bolansis RS693 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. bolansis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor RS554 25s/11
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11.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis ssp.kupcakii type form/new describe, till 15 cm gold brown curved papery spines, pink flower/MK 54.336 A Ciudad delmaiz,SLP 10s/10
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10.00 REC
Thelocactus panarottoanus TYPE FORM/long central spines,yellow flower/HK 362 E of Huizache,SLP 10s/10
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10.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor form/long yellow white central spines,east area MK69. 210 of Ciudad Lerdo,Durango 100s/38
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38.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis-panarottoanus INTERMEDIATE FORM/New January 2007,nature hybrid/QCA011 La Hincada II . ,SLP 10s/37
Out of stock
37.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus NEW SPECIAL FORM till 20 cm vine red gladiate spines coll. J. Snicer Road Matehuala-Conception del Oro km36,SLP 100s/98
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98.00 REC
THELOCACTUS bicolor ssp. bolaensis ROBUSTIOR LARGE CAESPITOSAE SNOWWHITE SPINED FORM /BKM 872 Emiliano Zapata / mountains /, Coahuila 10s/20
Out of stock
20.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis VERY LONG STRONG SPINES TIIL ALIKE THELOCACTUS NIDULANS SPECIAL FORM/compact stem,very nice spined,variable colour of flower/coll. J.Krechovsky El Milagro,Nuevo Leon/10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor RUBIOUS SPINY FORM/compact stem,beautiful nice spines/CZ 052 Arteaga plain 1950m,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor EXTRA ROBUST FORM/robust compact stem,dark flower,JS,El Chiflon-W of Saltillo,Coah. 10s/15
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15.00 REC
THELOCACTUS bicolor ( Galeotti ex Pfeiff. ) Britton & Rose ssp. multicostatus typical strongly spined plants WITHOUT HOOKED CENTRALS /BKLM 1036 North of Flechas village/north periphery/alt. 1817 m,Durango,Mexico 10s/30
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30.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor X bicolor ssp. wagnerianus intermediade VZD 305 Estangue Menchaca,Coahuila 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis X nidulans intermediade RS 44/96 W of Saltillo-Plan de Ayala,Coahuila 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos ssp. garciae/natural hybride/FPAN 342 Bustamante,Tamaulipas 10s/40
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40.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis ssp. kupcakii type form,new describe,15 cm nested papery spines,pink flower MK 54. 336 A Ciudad del Maiz,SLP 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis Jaroslav Zwak /til 25 cm spines ?wak czech cultivare from Jaroslav ?wakÔs garden 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor form/beautiful coloured spines/CSD 179 Casa Blanca,Nuevo Leon 10s/40
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40.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis Jaroslav Zwak /til 25 cm spines ?wak czech cultivare from Jaroslav ?wakÔs garden 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus multicephalus BLACK SPINED FORM/News 2006 year,dark body,black long spines/KMR204 Ejido La Trinidad,Nuevo Leon 10s/91
In stock
91.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis ssp. kupcakii type form,new describe,15 cm nested papery spines,pink flower VZD 123 Tanque de Los ?ngelos,SLP 10s/31
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31.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor EXTRA ROBUST FORM/robust compact stem,dark flower,JS,40 km N of Saltillo,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor new ROBUST FORM/extremely stem tall 80 cm stem,long central red spines/VCA053 Nuevo Delicias,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ROBUST FORM/coloured spines,tall robust stem/VZ 034 Parras de la Fuente,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus EXTRA LONG STRONG SPINED FORM/silver body,white extra long central spines/VZD 008W of La Tapona II. place,SLP 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis till nidulans INTERMEDIATE EXTRA HARD SPINED FORM/news ,EXTRA strongly gladiate asbestic spines/coll.Pavelmalik El Chiflon,Coah. 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis till nidulans INTERMEDIATE EXTRA HARD SPINED FORM/news ,EXTRA strongly gladiate asbestic spines/RS 44/96 W of Saltillo-Plan de Ayala,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos ssp.aurantiacus new FORM/till hairy white spines/IDD 51/99 Marmolejos, Nuevo Leon 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor WHITE YELLOW NICE SPINES/NW areal form with only white yellow spines/MK 69.210 S of Ciudad Lerdo,Durango 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor TYPICAL STRONG SPINES FORM/identic alike TYPE HUIZACHE GALEOTTI/VZD 014 El Coyote,SLP 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp.commodus type form/green body,extremely nice flower/MK 133.419montemorelos,Nuevo Leon 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp.schotii form/long papery central spines,nice best flower/VS 167 Roma,Texas 10s/15
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15.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor ssp.schotii form/long papery central spines,nice best flower/JJH 990468 Brewster Co.,Texas,USA 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
THELOCACTUS bicolor ssp. wagnerianus LONGISPINUS NICE TALL COMPACT STEM NEW FORM /BKM 894 Boquillas del Refugio / before village / alt. 1458 m, Coahuila 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor RUBIOUS SPINY FORM/compact stem,beautiful nice spines/CZ 052 Arteaga plain 1950m,Coah. 10s/15
Out of stock
15.00 REC
Thelocactus bueckii-rinconensis/complex T. santaclarensis/spiky mammillies,dark epidermis KKR300 Aramberri,Nuevo Leon 10s/31
In stock
31.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus mixture/smes nejhezcich druhu 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus macdowgalii 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus matudae 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus matudae CSD168 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus lophothele Lau 1006 Rinconada 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus macdowelii (bile trny, fialove kvety) 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus lloydii SB113 Salinas 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus lophothele 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus lophothele 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus leucacanthus, Tolatongo 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus lloydii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus matudae VM333 Rayones NL 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus nidulans 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus paradensis 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor SB278 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor SB287 texensis 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor SB563 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor VM678 Boquilas Perlas 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
Thelocactus wagnerianus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis LH145, Tula 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus tulensis 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis SB301 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus phymatothelos San Antonio 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus rinconensis 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus phymatothelos Arteaga Coah. 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus leucacanthus v. ehrenbergii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus leucacanthus (J) 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus lauserii Sierra de Las Ovejas 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos 15s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus bueckii PP586 30s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus bueckii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. tricolor 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. potsii SB77 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. potsii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor v. schotii 15s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor RS554 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor RCH292 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus fossulatus (J) 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus 15s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos RS686 15s/10
In stock
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Thelocactus conothelos SB302 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos SB302 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus krainzianus 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus Villa Juarez 15s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus RS290 10s/10
Out of stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus bicolor Huizache 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Thelocactus fossulatus 12s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus fossulatus SB892 12s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus flavidispinus SB424 Brewster Co. 12s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Thelocactus flavidispinus 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos v. aurantiacus 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos v. macdowelii 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Thelocactus conothelos v. argenteus 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Thelocactus lauserii 15s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Trichocereus chiloensis & skottsbergii MULTI INTERMEDIATE F. WITH HARD SPINES KP 912 Highway Fray Jorge - turning off road Llaguna En Lorenzo Peralta Punilla left small hill directly up road 279 m, West Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus/very spiny/KP 631 Villa Mazan-Chumbicha Ruta 60 600 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus/very spiny/KP 383 Los Berros 930 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/24
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24.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus/shaggy spines/KP 615 Copacabana-Aimogasta 1150 m,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/24
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24.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus/shaggy spines/BKN 110 Godoy Cruz,p. Mendoza,Argentina 10s/24
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24.00 REC
Trichocereus species long spines LH 503 Tupiza,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus smrzianus/very decorative/BKN 106 Cuesta del Obispo,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus species long central brown spines Odehnal La Paz direction to Oruro,dpt. La Paz 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana-tercheckii complex/long central spines/KP 436 N. P. Talampaya II. /rockies/1216 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus andalgalensis/long central yellow-brownish spines/KP 578 Andalgal˙-Bel?n km 25 (ripio ) 916 m,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus angelesii/hard long central spines/BKN 107 B El Amfiteatro,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus candicans/long golden spines/BKN 104 Cuesta Blanca,p. Cordoba,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus candicans/long golden spines/WS 046 Corrales 2200 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus cabrerae/decorative plants/BKN 109 B Famatina,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus f. BKN 28D E of La Ci?naga,1123 m,San Juan 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus form/New January 2007,red spined form/coll. Sladkovsky Banos La Laja,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus tacaquirensis/winteRresistant,hard spines/WS 258 Cotagaita 2750 m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia10s/34
Out of stock
34.00 REC
Trichocereus chilensis v. pantophlites JS 249 Vicu?a-observatory,Chile10s/34
Out of stock
34.00 REC
Trichocereus chiloensis & skottsbergii MULTI INTERMEDIATE F. WITH HARD SPINES KP 913 Highway Fray Jorge - off road Llaguna En Lorenzo Peralta Punilla right side bellow in small house 269 m, West Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Trichocereus chiloensis & skottsbergii MULTI INTERMEDIATE F. WITH HARD SPINES KP 914 Highway Fray Jorge - off road Llaguna En Lorenzo Peralta Punilla left hill top near private pen 283 m, West Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Trichocereus chiloensis & skottsbergii MULTI INTERMEDIATE F. WITH HARD SPINES KP 924 Quebrada de Indio Valley - left side bellow into large canyon 331 m, West Region de Coquimbo, Chile 10s/50
Out of stock
50.00 REC
Trichocereus werdermannianus/macrogonus/smalleRstem,winteRresistant WS 259-1 Chaipiuco Peak 2955 m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus werdermannianus/macrogonus/winteRresistant WS 259 Chaipiuco 2937 m,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus werdermannianus f. Tvrdik Villazon-Atocha,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus werdermannianus f. LH 503 Tupiza,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus validus f. LH 495 near Oruro,dpt. Oruro,Bolivia 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus tercheckii f. WS 039 Baldes del Rosario,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus tercheckii f. JB 23 Cuesta Miranda,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus tarijensis v. poco f. LH 499 Tupiza,dpt. Tarija,Bolivia 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus tarijensis v. poco f. BKN 133 Casabindo,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus andalgalensis f. VS 122 Cuesta Mina Capillitas 1800 m,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
TRICHOCEREUS pasacana form(couldmountain plants, ideal for grafting) PEM517Quilmes, p. Salta, Arg. 20s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha f. orange flower BKN 131 Guanchin,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/24
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24.00 REC
Trichocereus andalgalensis form/long central yellow-brownish spines/KP578 Andalgala-Belen km 25 (ripio) 916m,p.Cat.,Arg. 100s/30
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30.00 REC
TRICHOCEREUS huascha var. flaviflora NICE ONLY YELLOW FLOWERING FORM/ CH 1400 A Hualfin alt. 1893 m, p. Catamarca, Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
TRICHOCEREUS cabrerae NICESPINED FORM /CH 955 behind Guandacol alt. 1165 m, p. La Rioja, Argentina 100s/55
Out of stock
55.00 REC
Trichocereus skottsbergii form/special endemite,very strong curved spines/KP912 Highway Fray Jorge-turning off road Llaguna En Lorenzo Peralta Punilla left small hill directly up road 279m, West Region de Coquimbo, Chile 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
TRICHOCEREUS camarguensis NICE TYPICAL FORM/ LH 515 Potosi City, dpt. Potosi, Bolivia 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus chilensis ZIZKIANUS TILL 30 CM LONG WHITE HARD SPINES KBC956 Ruta 41 Andacollito village intomountains 761m,dpt.Coquimbo,Chile 100s/30
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30.00 REC
Trichocereus pseudocandicans R.Kiesling Hickenia 1: 32. 1976 PSCA 20 Anillaco,p. La Rioja,Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus shaferi Britton & Rose Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 2: 144. 1920 PSCA 18 Monteros a Aconquija,p. Tucuman,Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus schickendantzii Britton & Rose Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 2: 144. 1920 PSCA 15 Cuesta del Portezuelo,p. Catamarca,Argentina 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus strigosus form/shaggy spines,pink white flower/BKN110 Godoy Cruz,p.Mendoza,Arg. 100s/30
Out of stock
30.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana f. BKN 132 Puerta Tastil,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha f. KJN203 15s/7
Out of stock
7.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana/cold taxon/WS 206 Alfarcito 2781 m,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus chilensis v. zizkianus f. PHA 628 near La Vicu?a,Chile 10s/38
In stock
38.00 REC
Trichocereus formosus f. VS 102 Nevados de Acay 3600 m,p. Salta,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus camarguensis f. LH 515 Potosi,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus camarguensis f. LH 515 Potosi,dpt. Potosi,Bolivia 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana/cold taxon/BKN 102 B Casabindo,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/34
In stock
34.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha RED FLOWERFORM/New January 2007,long central spines/coll. Sladkovsky Cuesta Mina Capillitas,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/44
Out of stock
44.00 REC
Trichocereus candicans form/long golden spines,clump forming/KP 398 San Jos? de Jachal-Huaco 1165 m,p. San Juan,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha/yellow flower/BKN 112 Hualfin,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha/red flower/BKN 111 Guanchin,p. Catamarca,Argentina10s/34
Out of stock
34.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha f. tufty taxon,white,yellow and red flower JO 137 Cumbicha,p. Catamarca,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana-tercheckii complex/long central spines/KP 436 N. P. Talampaya II. /rockies/1216 m,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus chilensis v. zizkianus f. JB 87 C Combarbal˙,dpt. Coquimbo,Chile 10s/38
Out of stock
38.00 REC
Trichocereus pseudocandicans/huge red flower/BKN 109 C Famatina,p. La Rioja,Argentina 10s/24
Out of stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus pasacana form/winteRrasistant f. from mountains/JB 64 A Quebrada de Humahuaca/top mountains/,p. Jujuy,Argentina 10s/24
In stock
24.00 REC
Trichocereus huascha var. pecheretianus/news/BKN 105 Cuesta de Zapata,p. Catamarca,Argentina10s/34
In stock
34.00 REC
Trichocereus candicans v. gladiatus 20s/6
Out of stock
6.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. Miquihuana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus v. dickisoniae 10s/6
In stock
6.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii HU222 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii Charco Blanco 10s/7
In stock
7.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii Charco Blanco PM 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus roseiflorus Haude 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus roseiflorus LAU730 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus roseiflorus 20s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Turbinicarpus rioverdensis 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Turbinicarpus swobodae Lau 1499 10s/12
In stock
12.00 REC
TURBINICARPUS macrochele subsp. kupcakii NICE SPINED FORM /TCG 3002 San Antonio de Los Castellos A,San Luis Potosi,Mexico 20s/15
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15.00 REC
TURBINICARPUS valdezianus LX 614 Saltillo, Coahuila 10s/25
Out of stock
25.00 REC
Turbinicarpus lophophoroides ROBUSTIOR FORM /CH 642 Santo Domingo,SLP 100s/40
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40.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii v. albiflorus 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii UHLIG 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. Miquinhana 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. Negrita Kohres 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. TU16 La Pena 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii v. roseiflorus 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii v. roseiforus f. albiflorus 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. Huizache Kohres 10s/10
In stock
10.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. La Royen 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Turbinicarpus sp. LAU1065 Charco Blanco 10s/14
In stock
14.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii Charco Blanco SB755 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii Charco Blanco SB756 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii La Royen 10s/5
In stock
5.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii Tup. form 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus schwarzii typ form 10s/8
In stock
8.00 REC
Turbinicarpus lophophoroides /MZ 463 Las Tablas II.,SLP 100s/40
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40.00 REC
Turbinicarpus lophophoroides /TCG 4003 Rio Verde A,SLP 100s/40
Out of stock
40.00 REC
TURBINICARPUS pseudomacrochele TCG 5001 Bernal A 100s/35
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35.00 REC
Turbinicarpus macrochele v.polaskii TCG19001 LaBonita A 100s/35
Out of stock